Prosper202 provides pay per click affiliate marketers with leading edge self hosted ppc software! The only effect this software will have on your bottom line is a positive one.
Version 1.9.29
- New: Performance Optimizations for Direct Links
- New: Support for PHP 7
- New: Quick Activation of DNI Networks
- New: Global Postback url accepts POST data
- New: [[sourceid]] token to pass ppc account id for better source tracking and segmentation by the network
- New: Filter by subid
- New: Inline Help documentation links
- New: Easy link to premium Maxmind database purchase
- New: API Endpoint For ClickServer Version
- Fixed: Advanced Landing pages on step 4 listed alphabetically
- Fixed: Timezone for GMT 0 + works correctly
- Fixed: Document Roots that are symlinks are correctly detected
- Fixed: Chart data displays correctly
- Fixed: Chart customization modal closes correctly
- Fixed: List of landing pages displayed correctly
- Fixed: Autocron was not registering correctly
- Fixed: Group overview reporting on all ppc networks even when only one network was selected
- Fixed: New landing pages were not being saved
- Fixed: Overview report shows direct link and simple landing page stats
Version 1.9.27
- New: Instant Deep Link Offer Setup via DNI (Direct Network Integration)
- New: Table for tracking subids is cleared daily for performance purposes
- New: Performance tweaks for referrer tracking table (New installations only)
- New: Prosper202 Pro installs and Runs On Shared Hosting Plans
- Fix: Error with dropdowns not working with DNI has been fixed
- Fixed: Group overview filtering for PPC Networks
- Fixed: Alignment of dropdown values
- New: Allow users on servers with no partition support to still install Prosper202 Pro
- New: Ability to run reports on traffic that come from no ppc networks (For example organic traffic)
- New: Added info on how to use Dynamic Content Segments on landing pages
- New: Ability to specify which url variable to use as the t202kw value
- New: Quickly type and filter any of the data in Prosper202 drop downs
- New: Optimize tables with partitions for new installs of Prosper202 Pro
- New: Optimized code fo C1-C4 custom variables
- New: Skip option for VIP Perks modal
- Fixed: Reports pages will not show errors when there is no data
- Fixed: Only live landing pages show in dropdown
- Fixed: Fixed various issues for users who have Prosper202 installed in subdirectories
- Update: Optimized custom variables reprots page
- New: Added filter options for sidebar lists (campaigns, networks, etc)
- New: Support For Dynamic Cost for Redirector
- New: Support For Dynamic Cost for Simple/Advanced Landing pages
- New: Easy token entry for t202kw (dynamic keyword), t202ref (Dynamic referer) and t202b (Dynamic Cost)
- Fixed: Filter by landing page on group overview
- Fixed: Charting Display Bug
- Fixed: Bot Detection bug
- Fixed: Empty Array reporting bug
- Fixed: Hourly breakdow display fixed
- Fixed: MYSQl api related bug
- Fixed: Cleaned up some unused code
- Update: Removed warning about text ads when generating tracking link
- Update: New user agent detector to detect more browsers etc
- Update: New Geo Ip database for improved location detection
- Update: URL rotator removed from step 3
- Update: 1-click upgrade alerts user if they are missing settings to make it work
- Fixed: Bug in dynamic bid amount code for direct links
- New: Separate tables on Account Overview for Campaigns and Landing pages
- New: Support for dynamic bid amount via t202b= variable
- New: Progress bar for DNI integrations so you see how much time is left for caching offers
- Fixed: Filtering and results count on visitor tab works better
- Fixed: Users on strict mode for mysql had errors with setup and using the software
- Fixed: Resized text ad preview
- Fixed: User gets redirected to correct page when logged out of mobile view
- Fixed: CTR is correct on mobile view
- Fixed: Long GCLID values were being cut short
- Fixed: Filtering in overview and charts
- Fixed: Undefined index error for cloaked links
- Fixed: Deleted custom variables were still showing on step 8
- Fixed: Page title on step 8 wasn't showing correctly in the browser
- Update: New indexes for c1-c4 tables when doing a new install. This will make everything faster
- Update: New indexes for custom variables table
- Update: New favicon next to DNI networks in step 3
- Fixed: Bug fixes after upgrading and DNI ping back
- Fixed: Typo on the account page
- Fixed: Broken link on the admin page
- Fixed: Sorting error in the reports
- New: Direct Network Integration listing have description and icons
- New: Direct Network Integration
- New: Remember me feature
- New: [[timestamp]] token
- New: Check for Mcrypt on setup of Prosper202
- New: Check for Mcrypt before user can setup Clickbank Integration
- Fixed: Checks for writable folder uses exact directory needed
- Fixed: Undefined constant error fixed in rotator
- Fixed: Default Landing page in rotator
- Fixed: Ability to show ISP data with comma in name
- New: Two-way communications with WP Plugin
- Fixed: Auto upgrade fixes
- Fixed: Keyword and Referer Filter work now
- Fixed: Rotator shows all landing pages
- New: Two-way communications with WP Plugin
- Fixed: Get Advanced Landing page code bug fixed
- Fixed: Redirector wasn't shoing all landing pages
- Fixed: Auto upgrade doesn't show an error
- New: After login you will be redirected to the page you were trying to look at
- Fixed: Landing page bug tracking fixed
- New: Support for installing Prosper202 in a subdirectory
- New: Support for Official Prosper202 Wordpress Plugin
- New: ISP And Carrier information available in download report
- New: [[referer]] & [[referrer]] token support for all locations that accept tokens
- New: Landing page setup page now includes easy token insertion buttons
- Update: Spyview loads multiple times faster
- Update: Visitor loads multiple times faster
- Fixed: Pagnination improvments
- Fixed: Bug in modal window display
- Fixed: For splittesting you can use both ALL or all as values
- Fixed: Bug with utm_source and utm_mediam being stored in wrong location
- Fixed: Bug in referer report that made it return too many results
- Fixed: Bug where pixels were not deleting correctly on step 1
- Fixed: Universal Smart Pixel setup was overwriting pixel urls
- Fixed: ISP and Carrier Detection for the redirector tracks better
- New: Universal Smart Pixel Can Fire Multiple Types of Pixels
- Fixed: Results count on spyview is more accurate
- Fixed: Tooltips display better
- Fixed: Filters in spyview don't show sql errors
- Fixed: IP Address Detection is improved
- New: Visitor View and Spy View Reports run faster
- New: Ability To Split-Test offers on landing pages
- New: Ability to detecit correct ip address when using firewall or loadbalancer
- New: Raw pixel option in Universal Smart Pixel now allows tokens to be passed in
- Fixed: Deleted campaigns do now show landing pages in redirector
- Fixed: Daily email reports showed wrong numbers
- Fixed: Link to Overview fixed
- Fixed: Reporting API did check for correct encoding
- Fixed: Added Missing Include File
- Fixed: Mobile site shows correct data
- Fixed: Fixed problem with filtering by keyword
- Fixed: Rotator caused issues with saving updates when modifiying existing rules
- Fixed: Improved method of checking for partitions support
- Fixed: Missing link to login page if Prosper202 is already installed
- Fixed: Graph data displays better when set to show by hours
- New: Autocomplete for Traffic Sources
- New: Autocomplete for Categories and affiliate networks
- New: Check to see if server meets requirements before new installation
- New: Export to excel for in custom variable report
- New: Improved upgrade speed for older users
- New: Improved DataEngine imports for upgrades
- New: Applebot detection
- New: VIP Perks survey shows only new questions
- New: On new installs, 202_site_urls table is more efficient
- Fixed: Missing header added to auto upgrade file
- Fixed: Display long keywords better in visitor and spy view
- Fixed: Mobile site shows correct data
- Fixed: Simple landing pages pickup t202kw as the keyword
- Fixed: Deleted clicks get deleted from DataEngine as well
- Fixed: Custom variables get picked up on the landing page
- Fixed: Custom variables get added when generating links for landing pages
- New: Prosper202 Pro Logo
- Updated:Smart redirector supports 'all' tag
- Updated: Smart Rotator renamed to Smart Redirector
- Fixed: Daily emails not sent if no data
- Fixed: Smart Redirector for split-testing
- Fixed: Clickbank ISN reporting tracks sales
- Fixed: More efficient click deletion code
- New: Bot Filter Database
- Fixed: Rotator redirections
- Fixed: Removed Auto Monetizer Place Holder
- Fixed: Landing pages passes url variables
- Fixed: Removed API keys section
- Fixed: Daily email can now be set to never without error
- New: Daily Email Reports
- New: Loading indicator for data
- Improved: Faster account overview loading
- Fixed: Bing Devex Keyword bug fix
- Fixed: Referer Search bug
- Fixed: IP search bug
- Fixed: Column sort bug
- New: Split-testing functionality
- New: Automatic cron jobs without needing to manually set it up
- Improved: Bootstrap latest version
- Improved: Jquery latest version
- Improved: Data engine performance, reduction in cpu loads
- Improved: Clickbank ISN support v6 of the api
- Fixed: utm_source was being assigned to the keyword
- New: Full user role implementation. with restrictions on what can be done in your p202
- New: You can clone an existing landing page
- New: Ability to dynamically displays ISP, Device, Postal code on landing page
- New: Ability to to set cloaking option. You can either blank the referrer or show you Prosper202 Pro domain only
- New: Auto upgrade Prosper202 Pro for any updates that don't modify the database in any way.
- New: Slack Integration Phase 2 all actions performed in your P202 will be sent to a slack channel named Prosper202
- New: Before you could only display one Dynamic Content Segment on the page, now you can have as many as you want.
- New: Unlimited custom variables and tokens
- New: Campaign overview shows overview like what we had in non Pro version of Prosper202
- New: Status page in admin section for cron jobs. This will let you know when the last cron was run and help to debug when the job isn't setup correctly
- New: GCLID and utm variables will show in downloaded report in the visitors tab
- Improved: Parallel processing of conversion old data into new faster format
- Improved: Improved more efficient way to update data engine that uses less server resources
- Improved: For new installations the maximum payout amount for a campaign is now $100,000 instead of $999
- Fixed: Deleted or deactivated users can't login
- Fixed:Geo location for when location can't be found works better
- Fixed: Mobile filtering works better
- Fixed: Illegal offset error when creating tracking links
- Fixed: PPC Network didn't auto select when editing a existing link
- Fixed: Slack notifications when editing tracking link
- Fixed: Better support for when user doesn't have ISP database from maxmind
- Fixed: Manual download link for Pro links to correct page
- Fixed: Campaign overview shows multiple advanced landing pages better
- Fixed: Bug showing php code at the bottom of visitors page
- Fixed: When downloading reports the entire report will download instead of just what you see on screen
- Fixed: Updating CPC works better
- Fixed: Bug that prevent keywords from filtering correctly
- New: Easy Display of Geo(Country, Region, City, Country Code), Keyword, C1-C4, All utm variable, Browser type, OS on your landing page
- New: [[country]], [[country_code]], [[region]], [[city]] tokens for step 3, and postbacks
- New: HTML5 Charts for account overview with ability to chart multiple data points on a campaign basis.
- New: Ability to add users to your Prosper202 account. Each person get's their own un/pw.
- New: Slack Integration Phase 1: Soon All important changes and notifications will be posted to the slack channel of your choice
- Updated: On new installations keywords can be up to 150 characters instead of 50
- Fixed: Display and Formatting bug for Firefox
- Fixed: Bug on landing page campaigns was showing wrong referer information
- Fixed: EPC on account overview was calculated incorrectly
- Fixed: Custom date ranges increase in hourly increments
- New: Group by device type in group overview
- New: Track cost by CPA
- New: Group overview is much faster and powered by the new DataEngine
- New: Conversion logs to see more details conversion pixels and postback fires
- New: Updated GeoIp Database for more accurate geo location
- New: Updated UI Library
- New: Updated UserAgent Parser to detect more browsers and bots
- New: Ability to edit your tracking links after they have been created
- New: Prosper202 will now automatically import your old clicks into the new DataEngine Format
- New: Filter by referer
- Fixed: Bug in how leads were counted in campaign overview is fixed
- Fixed: Excel Report download feature re-added
- Fixed: Device type filtering bug in group overview fixed
- Fixed: IP address filtering bug in reports fixed
- Improved: Landing page names display better on the reports
- Improved: Copied Campaigns have (Copy) Appended to the campaigns name so you can tell you are in the process of copying the campaign
- New: Ability to copy an existing campaign to create a new one.
- New: UTM variables are available in group overview.
- New: Device type is available in group overview.
- Updated: Text field for landing page url has be change to text field.
- Updated: Rotator ui updated and new monetizer placeholder added.
- Fixed: You can now sort reports by clicking the header.
- Fixed: DataEngine now updates for actions done on the update tab.
- New: DataEngine fast new reporting engine for Prosper202 Pro.
- New: Meta Referer set to origin for Cloaking.
- New: Tokens for utm variables.
- New: Support for google gclid and utm variables.
- New: Prosper202 App Store.
- New: Ability to set your own referer via t202ref=.
- Improved: C1-4 variables can now store up to 350 characters.
- Improved: Better more accurate firing of conversion pixels.
- Improved: Ability to pass in subid for image and iframe pixels.
- Fixed Bug: Filtering via keyword, ip, or referer doesn't cause an error
- Fixed Bug: 1-Click Update correctly finds new updates.
- Update: Landing pages track traffic better via finger printing
- Update: Improved browser detection
- Update: Improved GEO Detection
- Update: ClickBank IPN support for version 6
- Fixed Bug: Advanced landing pages showed a query error when using built in outbound link.
- Update: Templates now use UTF 8.
- Fixed Bug: On Admin Screen if you had a lot of clicks you would see an out of memory error
- Fixed Bug: Debug code removed from code
- Improved: Better query for url look ups
- Improved: Device finger printing to redirect users when cookies are removed
- Fixed bug: Outbound clicks on ALP were not being recorded in database.
- Fixed bug: Campaign not showing for rotators.
- Fixed typo: On Advanced Landing Page setup.
- Fixed typo: Text Ads setup.
- Fixed bug: Cookie error for landing pages. Where subids were not being passed.
- Fixed bug: Prosper202 didn't notice an auto updated system initially.
- Fixed bug: Versions were not being compared correctly for change logs.
- Fixed bug: Error messages where set_time_limit is not allowed
- Fixed typo: Extra < on landing page screen
- New: Prosper202 will pass extra variables from your tracking links on to the campaign link. This makes it easier to pre-pop offers.
- Improved support for new traffic sources.
- Minor speed improvement for users with large databases.
- Added Missing Robots.txt.
- Fixed Javascript bug on the pixel page.
- Fixed formula for payout.
- Fixed formatting for the iframe pixel.
- Internet Explorer cookie javascript issue fixed.
- New redesigned Rotator.
- Old tables migrated to InnoDB. Version
- Group Overview MySQL error
- Fixed memory problem
- Internet Explorer Detector
- Simple Landing page javascript code conflict with jQuery Version
- SSL bug fixed
- Global Post Back bug fixed
- Setup wizard tweaked Version
- Check if geoIP model exist
- Some code tweaks Version 1.8.3
- Brand New Look & Feel
- VIP Perks System
- Enhancements for Mobile
- Database enhancements
- New postback response codes
- Enhanced security
- Expanded user agent detection
- Bot, search engine crawler detection and filtering
- New reports for GEO, User Agent and Platforms
- New group overview segments
- New report filters
- New Reporting API
- Landing Page redirect url
- Improved support for organic traffic
- Smart post click redirection rules
- Raw universal smart pixel
- New tokens for universal smart pixels
- Clickbank API integration
- 1-Click auto upgrade
- New async javascript for lp javascript
- Expanded timezones
- Reports caching
- Ability to delete clicks prior to a certain date
- BlazerCache redirects
- BlazerCache downtime protection
- Smart Rotator