download the project and unzip the and
open terminal for mongod:
- cd (location of the directory).
- enter mongod - opens the server.
open terminal for mongo:
- cd (location of the directory)/node_modules/mongodb.
- enter mongo - opens the mongo shell.
- make sure that the mySQL database server is started and ready for client connection.
- open new terminal for mysql
- PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/mysql/bin
- mysql -u root -p (or another user) and get into mySQL shell
Running the program:
- open terminal
- cd (location of the directory)
- mongoimport --db Accounts --collection contacts --file accounts.json --batchSize 10000
- node main.js
- enter your host, user, passowrd for connecting to mySQL server.
when the program finish you can use this commands to viewing the mySQL database (in mySQL terminal from stage 2)
- use Accounts
- SELECT * FROM accounts
- to remove the mySQL database enter - DROP DATABASE Accounts;
- to remove the collection of mongoDB enter: use Accounts and then db.dropDatabase() (in mongo shell)
Testing: I having a trouble to upload a folder to github, so the steps for running the test are:
- open terminal
- cd (location of the directory)
- mkdir test (from the directory location)
- drag the "test.js" file to the new test directory
- ./node_modules/mocha/bin/mocha
- In addition i attached a small json file with couple of document with the same name of field and a different value type to test this case (account2.json). and one json file for a case of some documents have a different fields (account3.json).
for running this json enter: (after remove the databases in mySQL and mongoDB)
- mongoimport --db Accounts --collection contacts --file accounts2.json --batchSize 10000
- mongoimport --db Accounts --collection contacts --file accounts3.json --batchSize 10000
Thank you itai,