Webots agent for Renforcement Learning
Install spikeagents library from the spiking_neural_agents GitHub repo:
pip install git+https://github.com/ziemowit-s/spiking_neural_agents.git
Download stable Webots release: https://github.com/cyberbotics/webots/releases
Install Webots
Add to .bashrc:
export WEBOTS_HOME="/usr/local/webots" export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$WEBOTS_HOME/lib/controller" export PYTHONPATH="$WEBOTS_HOME/lib/controller/python36:$PYTHONPATH"
You can deploy Python code for a robot controller directly from the IDE.
Each robot has its own controller file which is deployed
by run button from IDE or from the console (by python controller_name.py
You can load robot's controller directly to Webots, but probably your conda env and external libs won't work.
from the console -
To start project in Webots:
- click Wizard
- New Project Directory [Next]
- choose location [Next]
- name of your world file (with *.wbt extention)
- click "Add a rectangle area" [Next]
- Finish
To add new object (box, robots):
- click + sign
- click PROTO nodes (Webots Projects)
- to add robot click "robots" and choose one for you
- gctronic->epuck-EPuck (Robot) is a robot with camera view
- in Webots window select your robot on the node list
- double click on the robot list element
- click "controller"
- click Select
- choose <extern>
- In PyCharm
- run ide from console write
in the console. This will use all environmental variable from your .bashrc - select run.py file and click run button
- open Webots window and click run
- run ide from console write
- This procedure run the code to the first robot which has <extern> controller
- If you have more robots with <extern> controller - go to Webots docs and find how to run them
Run Webots and open simulation/worlds/world.wbt
run SLAVE robot controller by:
python slave_controller.py
when you see in console "network init done" -> click play button in the Webots application
If you want to re-run slave_controller.py you need to:
- restart Webots
- follow the Run Instruction from the 2nd point