Concatenate source code files into one file and wrap it to fit some module system, e.g. amd or cmd.
Manage JS source file freely.
AMD modules can be built into one file, but the built modules are still separated modules and still can be invoked publicly. Sometimes it makes sense to split a big AMD module into several smaller pieces for easier maintanence, while still keep these smaller pieces private.
Avoid Duplicated Declarations of Dependencies.
Some common dependencies are almost used in every AMD module, and they need to be declared again and again in every file. And note that even after JS compression, these duplicated declarations are still there. It makes perfect sense not to repeat yourself (DRY).
Become Independent of Module Frameworks.
Want to use your AMD-style lib in a non AMD environment, or vice versa? It is actually nothing more than some special wrapping logic. So why not writing code inpendent of any module frameworks and pick one on demand?
Install globally:
npm install -g amdize
Given source files:
"dojo/_base/lang"; // external dependency
"lib/b"; // internal dependency
function a(arg){
var obj = {
arg: arg
lang.hitch(obj, b)();
function b(){
Run amdize to build them into one single AMD module, using default dojo module names:
amdize --dojo a.js > out.js
Then the out.js will be:
], function(lang){
function b(){
function a(arg){
var obj = {
arg: arg
lang.hitch(obj, b)();
return a;
Use --mode to specify which module system to use:
amdize --dojo --mode cmd a.js > out.js
The out.js will be:
define(function(require, exports, module){
var lang = require("dojo/_base/lang");
function b(){
function a(arg){
var obj = {
arg: arg
lang.hitch(obj, b)();
return a;
Also list dependencies at top so that the output can still be amdized with other files:
amdize --dojo --mode plain a.js > out.js
The out.js will be:
var a = (function(){
function b(){
function a(arg){
var obj = {
arg: arg
lang.hitch(obj, b)();
return a;
Provide custom name mappings in file custom.amdize.js:
custom.amdize.js: = {
"dojo/_base/lang": "mylang" // use mylang instead of lang in source code
Specify in the command line:
amdize --dojo --name-maps custom a.js > out.js
Specify the exposed name by --return. (If omitted, the main file name is used.)
amdize --dojo --return b a.js > out.js
The the out.js will be:
], function(lang){
function b(){
function a(arg){
var obj = {
arg: arg
lang.hitch(obj, b)();
return b; // Expose b instead of a
Exclude some files (separated by comma) so they and their dependencies won't be in the final output:
amdize --dojo --exclude lib/b,lib/c a.js > out.js