C++11 implementation of hierarchy time wheel
Customizable time wheel.
Customizable timer frequency(ms).
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=debug ..
$ make -j4
$ ./build/timw-wheel
int main() {
// Four level time wheels: Hour, Minute, Secon, Millisecond.
int timer_step_ms = 50;
TimeWheelScheduler tws(timer_step_ms);
// Hour time wheel. 24 scales, 1 scale = 60 * 60 * 1000 ms.
tws.AppendTimeWheel(24, 60 * 60 * 1000, "HourTimeWheel");
// Minute time wheel. 60 scales, 1 scale = 60 * 1000 ms.
tws.AppendTimeWheel(60, 60 * 1000, "MinuteTimeWheel");
// Second time wheel. 60 scales, 1 scale = 1000 ms.
tws.AppendTimeWheel(60, 1000, "SecondTimeWheel");
// Millisecond time wheel. 1000/timer_step_ms scales, 1 scale = timer_step ms.
tws.AppendTimeWheel(1000 / timer_step_ms, timer_step_ms, "MillisecondTimeWheel");
tws.CreateTimerAt(GetNowTimestamp() + 10000, []() {
std::cout << "At now+10s" << std::endl;
tws.CreateTimerAfter(500, []() {
std::cout << "After 0.5s" << std::endl;
std::cout << timetoStr() << std::endl;
auto timer_id = tws.CreateTimerEvery(5000, []() {
std::cout << "Every 5s: " << timetoStr() << std::endl;
tws.CreateTimerEvery(30 * 1000, []() {
std::cout << "Every 30s: " << timetoStr() <<std::endl;
return 0;
The timer step should be greater than
. -
The tolerance is equal to the timer step.
will start a thread to run the time wheel scheduler.