A simple semantic versioning utility for zepto.
The interface is akin to that of npm, albeit much simpler.
(import-all "semver" "sv")
(sv:parse "1.1.0") ; will return a semver object
(sv:parse ">1.1.0") ; will also return a semver object, the comparator is preserved
(sv:valid? "10.3.2") ; will return true
(sv:valid? "foo.bar") ; will return false
(sv:gt "1.1.0" "1.0.0") ; will return true
(sv:gt (sv:parse "1.1.0") "1.0.0") ; this will also work
(sv:matches "1.2.0" ">1.1.0") ; will return true - the second argument is the constraint
Have fun!