- Created in Flask and Python
- Uses Microsoft Azure for pictures alongside with content delivery network(CDN) to deliver fast images using edge servers nearby
- Uses PostgreSQL as the database to allow versatility in services(ie, use all data in multiple platforms)
- Navigate to website directory and run python app.py or python3 app.py if you have python2. It should launch a flask local host.
- Configure the database config(dblogin.json) and azure login(settings.json) with your own credentials.
- Creative-Tim for the bootstrap theme for the website
- Belle for the 404 page
- Command Line Interface web scraper for the site gofetch.pictures.
- Uses Microsoft's Azure for cloud, and PostgreSQL for database.
- Uses Pyfiglet for the art and Click for the backbone of the command system.
- Uses Selenium and Chromewebdriver to web scrape Instagram images.
- Install dependencies in the requirements.txt
- Create info and dblogin json files and load them in(either locally or on the cloud).
- Run gofetch.py.
- Use the commands however you wish.
- Created in Go and uses DiscordGO
- Uses post requests to gofetch to do the functions such as: listing all dog, cats, hamsters, and birds as well as fetching the breed specified by the discord user.
- Install go, and discordgo.
- Modify the config file with your custom discord bot token and hit go run.
You may do anything with this site or the various components provided within this repo.