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Interface Documentation

zeevy edited this page Jan 7, 2018 · 11 revisions

Interface Documentation

Machine Status Panel

  1. Grbl soft reset button. (asks for confirmation)
  2. Bluetooth device connect and disconnect button.
  3. Menu drop down
  4. Machine current status as reported by grbl ? query.
  5. X,Y and Z co-ordinates. These co-ordinates will change to color if corresponding limit switch is triggered.
  6. Machine position as reported by the grbl ? query.
  7. Work position as reported by the grbl ? query. Z axis co-ordinate will change to red color if TLO is active.
  8. Shows current active coordinate system, Units and Distance mode.
  9. Current feed rate as reported by grbl ? query.
  10. Buffer status on grbl. (need to enable via $10=2)
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