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Merge pull request #56 from pacu/swift-trusted-dealer
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Swift trusted dealer and coordinator for swift
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pacu authored Jul 2, 2024
2 parents 856aeb9 + 53f141f commit a9d2856
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Showing 23 changed files with 1,632 additions and 884 deletions.
72 changes: 72 additions & 0 deletions .swiftlint.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
# By default, SwiftLint uses a set of sensible default rules you can adjust:
disabled_rules: # rule identifiers turned on by default to exclude from running
- colon
- comma
- control_statement
opt_in_rules: # some rules are turned off by default, so you need to opt-in
- empty_count # find all the available rules by running: `swiftlint rules`

# Alternatively, specify all rules explicitly by uncommenting this option:
# only_rules: # delete `disabled_rules` & `opt_in_rules` if using this
# - empty_parameters
# - vertical_whitespace

analyzer_rules: # rules run by `swiftlint analyze`
- explicit_self

# Case-sensitive paths to include during linting. Directory paths supplied on the
# command line will be ignored.
- FrostSwift/Sources/FrostSwift
excluded: # case-sensitive paths to ignore during linting. Takes precedence over `included`
- Carthage
- Pods
- .build
- Sources/FrostSwiftFFI

# If true, SwiftLint will not fail if no lintable files are found.
allow_zero_lintable_files: false

# If true, SwiftLint will treat all warnings as errors.
strict: false

# The path to a baseline file, which will be used to filter out detected violations.
baseline: Baseline.json

# The path to save detected violations to as a new baseline.
write_baseline: Baseline.json

# configurable rules can be customized from this configuration file
# binary rules can set their severity level
force_cast: warning # implicitly
severity: warning # explicitly
# rules that have both warning and error levels, can set just the warning level
# implicitly
line_length: 110
# they can set both implicitly with an array
- 300 # warning
- 400 # error
# or they can set both explicitly
warning: 500
error: 1200
# naming rules can set warnings/errors for min_length and max_length
# additionally they can set excluded names
min_length: 4 # only warning
max_length: # warning and error
warning: 50
error: 50
excluded: iPhone # excluded via string
allowed_symbols: ["_"] # these are allowed in type names
min_length: # only min_length
error: 3 # only error
excluded: # excluded via string array
- i
- id
- GlobalAPIKey
reporter: "xcode" # reporter type (xcode, json, csv, checkstyle, codeclimate, junit, html, emoji, sonarqube, markdown, github-actions-logging, summary)
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,7 +8,6 @@
import XCTest

final class FrostCompanionTests: XCTestCase {

override func setUpWithError() throws {
// Put setup code here. This method is called before the invocation of each test method in the class.
Expand All @@ -31,5 +30,4 @@ final class FrostCompanionTests: XCTestCase {
// Put the code you want to measure the time of here.

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,7 +8,6 @@
import XCTest

final class FrostCompanionUITests: XCTestCase {

override func setUpWithError() throws {
// Put setup code here. This method is called before the invocation of each test method in the class.

Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,7 +8,6 @@
import XCTest

final class FrostCompanionUITestsLaunchTests: XCTestCase {

override class var runsForEachTargetApplicationUIConfiguration: Bool {
Expand Down
274 changes: 274 additions & 0 deletions FrostSwift/Sources/FrostSwift/Coordinator.swift
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
// Coordinator.swift
// Created by Pacu on 27-06-2024.

import Foundation
import FrostSwiftFFI

enum FROSTCoordinatorError: Error {
case repeatedCommitmentFromIdentifier(Identifier)
case repeatedSignatureShareFromIdentifier(Identifier)
case incorrectNumberOfCommitments(min: UInt16, max: UInt16, found: UInt16)
case signingPackageAlreadyCreated
case signingPackageMissing
// mapped from FFI
case failedToCreateSigningPackage
case invalidSigningCommitment
case identifierDeserializationError
case signingPackageSerializationError
case signatureShareDeserializationError
case publicKeyPackageDeserializationError
case signatureShareAggregationFailed(message: String)
case invalidRandomizer

/// some error we don't have mapped
case otherError(CoordinationError)

init(coordinationError: CoordinationError) {
switch coordinationError {
case .FailedToCreateSigningPackage:
self = .failedToCreateSigningPackage
case .InvalidSigningCommitment:
self = .invalidSigningCommitment
case .IdentifierDeserializationError:
self = .identifierDeserializationError
case .SigningPackageSerializationError:
self = .signingPackageSerializationError
case .SignatureShareDeserializationError:
self = .signatureShareDeserializationError
case .PublicKeyPackageDeserializationError:
self = .publicKeyPackageDeserializationError
case let .SignatureShareAggregationFailed(message: message):
self = .signatureShareAggregationFailed(message: message)
case .InvalidRandomizer:
self = .invalidRandomizer

/// Protocol that defines the minimum functionality of a FROST signature
/// scheme Coordinator. A coordinator can be part of the signature or not. For your
/// convenience, ``NonSigningCoordinator`` and ``SigningCoordinator``
/// implementations are provided.
/// - Important: Fallback because of misbehaving participants are not considered
/// within this protocol. Implementors must define their own strategies to deal with such
/// scenarios.
/// - Note: This protocol is bound to actors because it is assumed that several
/// participants may try to interact with it concurrently.
public protocol FROSTCoordinator: Actor {
/// configuration of the FROST threshold scheme
var configuration: Configuration { get }
/// public key tha represent this signature scheme
var publicKeyPackage: PublicKeyPackage { get }
/// message to be signed by the _t_ participants
var message: Message { get }
/// this is the configuration of Round 2.
var round2Config: Round2Configuration? { get }
/// receives a signing commitment from a given participant
/// - parameter commitment: the SigningCommitment from signature participant
/// - throws: should throw ``FROSTCoordinatorError.alreadyReceivedCommitmentFromIdentifier`` when
/// receiving a commitment from an Identifier that was received already independently from whether
/// it is the same or a different one.
func receive(commitment: SigningCommitments) async throws
/// Creates a ``Round2Configuration`` struct with a ``SigningPackage`` and
/// ``Randomizer`` for the case that Re-Randomized FROST is used.
/// - throws: ``FROSTCoordinatorError.signingPackageAlreadyCreated`` if this function was
/// called already or ``FROSTCoordinatorError.incorrectNumberOfCommitments``
/// when the number of commitments gathered is less or more than the specified by the ``Configuration``
func createSigningPackage() async throws -> Round2Configuration
/// Receives a ``SignatureShare`` from a ``SigningParticipant``.
/// - throws: ``FROSTCoordinatorError.alreadyReceivedSignatureShareFromIdentifier``
/// when the same participant sends the same share repeatedly
func receive(signatureShare: SignatureShare) async throws
/// Aggregates all shares and creates the FROST ``Signature``
/// - throws: several things can go wrong here. 🥶
func aggregate() async throws -> Signature
/// Verify a ``Signature`` with the ``PublicKeyPackage`` of this coordinator.
func verify(signature: Signature) async throws

/// A signature scheme coordinator that does not participate in the signature scheme
public actor NonSigningCoordinator: FROSTCoordinator {
public let configuration: Configuration
public let publicKeyPackage: PublicKeyPackage
public let message: Message
public var round2Config: Round2Configuration?
var commitments: [Identifier: SigningCommitments] = [:]
var signatureShares: [Identifier: SignatureShare] = [:]

public init(configuration: Configuration, publicKeyPackage: PublicKeyPackage, message: Message) throws {
self.configuration = configuration
self.publicKeyPackage = publicKeyPackage
self.message = message

public func receive(commitment: SigningCommitments) throws {
// TODO: validate that the commitment belongs to a known identifier
guard commitments[commitment.identifier] == nil else {
throw FROSTCoordinatorError.repeatedCommitmentFromIdentifier(commitment.identifier)

commitments[commitment.identifier] = commitment

public func createSigningPackage() throws -> Round2Configuration {
guard round2Config?.signingPackage == nil else {
throw FROSTCoordinatorError.signingPackageAlreadyCreated

try validateNumberOfCommitments()

let package = try SigningPackage(
package: newSigningPackage(
message: message,
commitments: { $0.commitment }

let randomizedParams = try RandomizedParams(
publicKey: publicKeyPackage,
signingPackage: package

let randomizer = try randomizedParams.randomizer()

let config = Round2Configuration(signingPackage: package, randomizer: randomizer)
round2Config = config

return config

/// receives the signature share from a partipicant
public func receive(signatureShare: SignatureShare) throws {
// TODO: validate that the commitment belongs to a known identifier
guard signatureShares[signatureShare.identifier] == nil else {
throw FROSTCoordinatorError.repeatedSignatureShareFromIdentifier(signatureShare.identifier)

signatureShares[signatureShare.identifier] = signatureShare

public func aggregate() throws -> Signature {
try validateNumberOfCommitments()
let round2config = try round2ConfigPresent()

guard let randomizer = round2config.randomizer?.randomizer else {
throw FROSTCoordinatorError.invalidRandomizer

let signature = try FrostSwiftFFI.aggregate(
signingPackage: round2config.signingPackage.package,
signatureShares: { $0.share },
pubkeyPackage: publicKeyPackage.package,
randomizer: randomizer

return Signature(signature: signature)

public func verify(signature _: Signature) throws {
throw FrostError.invalidSignature

func round2ConfigPresent() throws -> Round2Configuration {
guard let config = round2Config else {
throw FROSTCoordinatorError.signingPackageMissing

return config

func validateNumberOfCommitments() throws {
guard commitments.count >= configuration.minSigners &&
commitments.count <= configuration.maxSigners
else {
throw FROSTCoordinatorError.incorrectNumberOfCommitments(
min: configuration.minSigners,
max: configuration.maxSigners,
found: UInt16(commitments.count)

/// A Coordinator that also participates in the signature production.
public actor SigningCoordinator: FROSTCoordinator {
public let configuration: Configuration
public let publicKeyPackage: PublicKeyPackage
public let message: Message
public var round2Config: Round2Configuration?
let nonSigningCoordinator: NonSigningCoordinator
let signingParticipant: SigningParticipant

public init(
configuration: Configuration,
publicKeyPackage: PublicKeyPackage,
signingParticipant: SigningParticipant,
message: Message
) throws {
self.configuration = configuration
self.publicKeyPackage = publicKeyPackage
self.message = message
nonSigningCoordinator = try NonSigningCoordinator(
configuration: configuration,
publicKeyPackage: publicKeyPackage,
message: message
self.signingParticipant = signingParticipant

public init(configuration: Configuration, publicKeyPackage: PublicKeyPackage, keyPackage: KeyPackage, message: Message) throws {
let signingParticipant = SigningParticipant(
keyPackage: keyPackage,
publicKey: publicKeyPackage

try self.init(
configuration: configuration,
publicKeyPackage: publicKeyPackage,
signingParticipant: signingParticipant,
message: message

public func receive(commitment: SigningCommitments) async throws {
try await nonSigningCoordinator.receive(commitment: commitment)

public func createSigningPackage() async throws -> Round2Configuration {
// sends its own commitment before creating the signign package
let commitment = try signingParticipant.commit()
try await nonSigningCoordinator.receive(commitment: commitment)

// create the signing package
let round2Config = try await nonSigningCoordinator.createSigningPackage()
self.round2Config = round2Config
return round2Config

public func receive(signatureShare: SignatureShare) async throws {
try await nonSigningCoordinator.receive(signatureShare: signatureShare)

public func aggregate() async throws -> Signature {
let round2Config = try await nonSigningCoordinator.round2ConfigPresent()
// create own signature share
signingParticipant.receive(round2Config: round2Config)
let signatureShare = try signingParticipant.sign()

// sends its own share before creating the signature
try await nonSigningCoordinator.receive(signatureShare: signatureShare)

// produce signature by aggregating all shares.
let signature = try await nonSigningCoordinator.aggregate()

return signature

public func verify(signature: Signature) async throws {
try await nonSigningCoordinator.verify(signature: signature)
16 changes: 16 additions & 0 deletions FrostSwift/Sources/FrostSwift/Error.swift
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
// Error.swift
// Created by Pacu in 2024.

import Foundation
import FrostSwiftFFI

public enum FrostError: Error {
case invalidConfiguration
case invalidSignature
case malformedIdentifier
case otherError(FrostSwiftFFI.FrostError)

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