TFHE-rs version 0.2.0
TFHE-rs v0.2.0 includes:
New modules:
- An integer module to manage homomorphic unsigned integers encrypting messages up to 256 bits;
- A high-level API, including predefined homomorphic types and overloaded operators. A C binding is also available;
New features in all modules:
- Encryption key choice: In shortint and integer, the large LWE key is used by default. It is now possible to encrypt with the small one;
- A smaller public encryption key: As a consequence of the previous point, a smaller secret encryption key implies a smaller public key;
New features in core_crypto:
- The ability to compute a PBS over 128-bit ciphertexts;
- The choice of the ciphertext modulus: This can now be modified to use any powers of two smaller than 2^128;
- Parallel Programmable Bootstrapping: A parallelized version of the bootstrapping is now available.