CakePHP 2.1 :Put the "captcha" folder on path-to-cakephp-2.0/vendors/ on root vendors folder. Use following
App::import('Vendor', 'captcha/captcha');
Since CakePHP 2.1 the Pages Controller is no longer part of the core but ships in the app folder. So my advice would be create UsersController and put the captcha_image() on that controller and and use the function on view
CakePHP 2.0 :Put the "captcha" folder on path-to-cakephp-2.0/app/vendors/ on App's vendors folder. Use following
App::import('Vendor', 'captcha/captcha');
CakePHP 1.3 :Put the "captcha" folder on path-to-cakephp-1.3/vendors/ on the root vendors folder.
App::import('Vendor', 'captcha/captcha');
CakePHP 1.2 :This post and code is for CakePHP 1.2 and CakePHP 1.3. For CakePHP 1.3 put the "captcha" folder on path-to-cakephp-1.3/vendors/ on the root vendors folder.
Now we implement it on our site. to do that we have to add a function the controller or we can add it to our pages controller.
function captcha_image(){
App::import('Vendor', 'captcha/captcha');
$captcha = new captcha();
Then we call it in our view.
<img id="captcha" src="<?php echo $this->Html->url('/pages/captcha_image');?>" alt="" />
Add the following code to add refresh button
<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="javascript:document.images.captcha.src="
<?php echo $this->Html->url("/pages/captcha_image");?>?" + Math.round(Math.random(0)*1000)+1" >Reset</a>
To check the captcha in controller we will use this one.
$this->Session->setFlash(__('Please enter correct captcha code and try again.', true));
So as you can see you add this to you site very easily and it is very much customizable.
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CakePHP Captcha Library is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.