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Executive Summary

Problem Statement

The purpose of this data science project is determine the best model for predicting sales prices of houses in Ames, Iowa, and to find the features that best correlate to predicted sales price.This is done through the investigation and utilization of the Ames housing dataset with over 70 columns of different features relating to house.

The process we go through in this notebook is as follows:

  1. Data Cleaning and Encoding. Filling missing values, removing outliers, and transforming categorical features into dummified features.
  2. Data Visualization and Correlation. Using seaborn and matplotlib to investigate relationships in the data.
  3. Feature Engineering. Engineering new features through manipulation and combinations of existing data. We use orbitalencoder to investigate scoring metrics by applying mathematical operations to correlated encoded data.
  4. Modelling. Using GridSearchCV to find the best model, using the cross-validated R2 score as our scoring metric. We will compare and test the following models

Data Description

feature dype Description
MS SubClass int64
MS Zoning object Identifies the general zoning classification of the sale.
Lot Frontage float64 Linear feet of street connected to property
Lot Area int64 Lot size in square feet
Street object Type of road access to property
Lot Shape object General shape of property
Land Contour object Flatness of the property
Neighborhood object Physical locations within Ames city limits
Condition 1 object Proximity to main road or railroad
Condition 2 object Proximity to main road or railroad (if a second is present)
Bldg Type object Type of dwelling
House Style object Style of dwelling
Overall Qual int64 Overall material and finish quality
Overall Cond int64 Overall condition rating
10 Very Excellent
Year Built int64 Original construction date
Year Remod/Add int64 Remodel date (same as construction date if no remodeling or additions)
Roof Style object Type of roof
Flat Flat
Roof Matl object Roof material
Exterior 1st object Exterior covering on house
Exterior 2nd object Exterior covering on house (if more than one material)
Mas Vnr Type object Masonry veneer type
Mas Vnr Area float64 Masonry veneer area in square feet
Exter Qual object Exterior material quality
Exter Cond object Present condition of the material on the exterior
Foundation object Type of foundation
Bsmt Qual object Height of the basement
Bsmt Cond object General condition of the basement
Bsmt Exposure object Walkout or garden level basement walls
BsmtFin Type 1 object Quality of basement finished area
BsmtFin Type 2 object Quality of second finished area (if present)
Total Bsmt SF float64 Total square feet of basement area
Heating object Type of heating
Heating QC object Heating quality and condition
Central Air object Central air conditioning
Electrical object Electrical system
Gr Liv Area int64 Above grade (ground) living area square feet
Bsmt Full Bath float64 Basement full bathrooms
Bsmt Half Bath float64 Basement half bathrooms
Full Bath int64 Full bathrooms above grade
Half Bath int64 Half baths above grade
Bedroom AbvGr int64 Number of bedrooms above basement level
Kitchen AbvGr int64 Number of kitchens
Kitchen Qual object Kitchen quality
TotRms AbvGrd int64 Total rooms above grade (does not include bathrooms)
Functional object Home functionality rating
Fireplaces int64 Number of fireplaces
Fireplace Qu object Fireplace quality
Garage Type object Garage location
Garage Yr Blt float64 Year garage was built
Garage Finish object Interior finish of the garage Fin Finished
Garage Cars float64 Size of garage in car capacity
Garage Area float64 Size of garage in square feet
Garage Qual object Garage quality
Garage Cond object Garage condition
Paved Drive object Paved driveway
Wood Deck SF int64 Wood deck area in square feet
Open Porch SF int64 Open porch area in square feet
Enclosed Porch int64 Enclosed porch area in square feet
3Ssn Porch int64 Three season porch area in square feet
Screen Porch int64 Screen porch area in square feet
Pool Area int64 Pool area in square feet
Mo Sold int64 Month Sold
Yr Sold int64 Year Sold
Sale Type object Type of sale
SalePrice int64 the property's sale price in dollars


We were able to achieve a 0.882 score using ElasticNet with parameters chosen by GridSearchCV. The scoring metric was a cross-validated R2_score of 10 K-folds. Furthermore, the performance of the model benefitted from our data cleaning and encoding operations. Certain features that were engineered were able to enchance the signal of the data by a significant degree.


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