The framework is written fully in C++ and runs on all platforms. It allows users to preprocess their data in a transaction database, to make discretization of data, to search for association rules and to guide a presentation/visualization of the best rules found using external tools. As opposed to the existing software packages or frameworks, this also supports numerical and real-valued types of attributes besides the categorical ones. Mining the association rules is defined as an optimization and solved using the nature-inspired algorithms that can be incorporated easily. Because the algorithms normally discover a huge amount of association rules, the framework enables a modular inclusion of so-called visual guiders for extracting the knowledge hidden in data, and visualize these using external tools.
To install uARMSolver on Fedora, use:
$ dnf install uARMSolver
To install uARMSolver on RHEL, CentOS, Scientific Linux enable EPEL 8 and use:
$ dnf install uARMSolver
To install uARMSolver on Arch-based distributions, please use an AUR helper:
$ yay -Syyu uarmsolver
To install uARMSolver on Alpine Linux, please enable Community repository and use:
$ apk add uarmsolver
To install uARMSolver on Windows, please follow to the following instructions.
./uARMSolver -s arm.set
arm.set is a problem definition file. Check README for more details about the format of .set file.
[1] I. Fister Jr., A. Iglesias, A. Gálvez, J. Del Ser, E. Osaba, I Fister. Differential evolution for association rule mining using categorical and numerical attributes In: Intelligent data engineering and automated learning - IDEAL 2018, pp. 79-88, 2018.
[2] I. Fister Jr., I Fister. Information cartography in association rule mining. arXiv preprint arXiv:2003.00348, 2020.
[3] I. Fister Jr., V. Podgorelec, I. Fister. Improved Nature-Inspired Algorithms for Numeric Association Rule Mining. In: Vasant P., Zelinka I., Weber GW. (eds) Intelligent Computing and Optimization. ICO 2020. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1324. Springer, Cham.
Iztok Fister, Iztok Fister Jr.
This package is distributed under the MIT License. This license can be found online at
This framework is provided as-is, and there are no guarantees that it fits your purposes or that it is bug-free. Use it at your own risk!
I. Fister, I Fister Jr. uARMSolver: A framework for Association Rule Mining. arXiv preprint arXiv:2010.10884, 2020.