Lua: upgrade to 5.4 , replacing tolua++ bindings with LuaBridge2.6 library, extending some bindings
Lua: bindings slightly modified (required by upgrade), refreshed docs, added test coverage
Lua: the 3rd party extensions (BTW not working for many years) are obsolete in 5.4 and removed
Lua: more accurate errors/warning location reported even in complex cases
warnings: added -Wall, --help=warnings shows on/off status, rdlow off by default
Added HIGH mode to relocation data generator (MSB-only relocation mode)
many open-file "fatal" errors become "non-fatal", assembling will continue
deprecated features removed: --syntax=m, label abs
in expressions
will stay no-color when env.var. NO_COLOR
is defined
refactorings, improving some error messages and parsing, small fixes in parsing logic
fix listing of Lua's sj.parse_code (eol-comments), minor memory leaks fixed
fix relocation of temporary labels in expressions
invalid CLI options are reported as regular errors (also changing exit code)
errors are colored similarly to gcc (only keyword has color), console input name is <stdin>
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