Bukkit plugin created for the BuildtheEarth project to make creating custom forests easier. Uses Bridson's algorithm for poisson disk sampling (randomly picking packed points to place trees at).
/wood {schematic(s)} [!]{block ID(s)} [flags: -includeAir,-dontRotate,-r:x]
*(Aliases: //wood, //w)* More info in "How to use /wood"/treebrush {type} [size] [thickness]
*(Aliases: /tbr, //tbr, /treebr)* Easy to use brush specifically for trees on top of //schbr ([Schematic Brush Plugin](https://github.com/mikeprimm/SchematicBrush)). Ex: /tbr oak M thin/bteenhanced-reload
Reload config//dell [num]
*(Aliases: /dellast, /dell, //dellast)* Deletes the last `[num]` amount of points in the selection. (Currently only supports poly2d selections) If `[num]` is not specified it will delete the last point.//delp {num}
*(Aliases: /delpoint, /delp, //delpoint)* Deletes the `{num}`'th point in the selection. (Currently only supports poly2d selections)Permissions: Look here
Config: Look here
First make a region selection, all selections such as cuboid, poly, and convex work. This plugin saves edit sessions from /wood to the player's local session, so players can use WorldEdit's //undo and //redo. This means players will need to have the WorldEdit permissions for //undo and //redo
is the path of a schematic file or a folder containing schematics. (From the WorldEdit schematics folder)
Adding a * after the file separator will randomize the schematics from that folder (and sub folders).
[!]{block ID(s)}
are the blocks you want trees to be placed above. If you add a "!" at the start it uses all blocks except the ones you mention.
All are optional
Equivalent of not adding -a when pasting with WorldEdit. (By default command ignores air blocks)-dontRotate
Disables the random rotation (90 degree increments) of schematics.-r:x
Overrides the automatically created default radius. Radius being the minimum spacing between trees. The radius by default is calculated by averaging the width or height (whichever is larger), and dividing by 2. An example of the flag being used is -r:10These schematic paths are for trees from the BTE tree pack.