Three study designs using calibration data for correcting measurement errors in the main study sample: (a) external design with common calibration data for all X, (b) external design with different calibration data for each X, (c) internal design, and (d), (e) external design with common or different calibration data but some measures in W in the main study sample are below limits of detection (LODs). The gray areas denote observed data, the blanks denote missing data, and the blue areas denote data below LODs.
Four imputation matrices, applying constraints of the strong NDME
assumptions, used in the constrained CEMI method for correcting
measurement errors in the main study sample: (a) external design with a
common calibration data for all $X$s, (b) external design with different
calibration data for each
For different scenarios, we may use different Imputation matrixs, here are two examples for scenario a and scenario e.
devtools::install_github('yy3019/CCEMI', force = TRUE)
data_generate1 = function(true_x1, true_x2, true_x3, true_z, rhoxx, rhoxz, sigmaww.x, rhoww.x){
muxz <- c(0, 0, 0, 0) # Mean
sigmaxz = matrix(c(1, 1*rhoxx, 1*rhoxx, 1*rhoxz,
1*rhoxx, 1, 1*rhoxx, 1*rhoxz,
1*rhoxx, 1*rhoxx, 1, 1*rhoxz,
1*rhoxz, 1*rhoxz, 1*rhoxz, 1), 4, 4)
sigmaxw <- matrix(c(sigmaww.x, sigmaww.x*rhoww.x, sigmaww.x*rhoww.x,
sigmaww.x*rhoww.x,sigmaww.x, sigmaww.x*rhoww.x,
sigmaww.x*rhoww.x, sigmaww.x*rhoww.x, sigmaww.x), 3, 3)
df_xz_m = mvrnorm(n = 400, mu = muxz, Sigma = sigmaxz)
#df_x = rbind(df_x_c, df_xz_m[,1:3])
df_w = c()
for(i in 1:400){
muw = c((1.1* df_xz_m[i, 1]), (1.1 * df_xz_m[i, 2]), (1.1 * df_xz_m[i, 3]))
df_w_a = mvrnorm(n = 1, mu = muw, Sigma = sigmaxw)
df_w = rbind(df_w, df_w_a)
#zc = ifelse(df_xz_m[,4] >= 0, 1, 0) ## For binary data
m_data = cbind(w1 = df_w[,1],
w2 = df_w[,2],
w3 = df_w[,3],
x1 = df_xz_m[,1],
x2 = df_xz_m[,2],
x3 = df_xz_m[,3],
z = df_xz_m[,4],
y = rnorm(400, mean = true_x1 * df_xz_m[,1] +
true_x2 * df_xz_m[,2] +
true_x3 * df_xz_m[,3] +
true_z * df_xz_m[,4], 1)) %>% as.matrix()
c_data = m_data
m_data[c(101:400),4:6] = NA
m_data[1:100,7:8] = NA
return(list(m_data = m_data, c_data = c_data))
#### set missingness rate as 20%, 30%, 10% in W of main study sample
dg1 = data_generate1(1.2, 0.8, 0.4, 0.4, 0.3, 0.3, 0.25, 0)
#### External design with one calibration data
imp1 = dg1$m_data %>% as.tibble()
## Warning: `as.tibble()` was deprecated in tibble 2.0.0.
## ℹ Please use `as_tibble()` instead.
## ℹ The signature and semantics have changed, see `?as_tibble`.
#### Complete data ("True" data)
c_data1 = dg1$c_data %>% as.tibble()
fit1_c = lm(y[101:400]~ x1[101:400] + x2[101:400] + x3[101:400] + z[101:400],data=c_data1)
cbind(fit1_c$coefficients,fit1_c %>% confint())
## 2.5 % 97.5 %
## (Intercept) 0.06060663 -0.0503232 0.1715365
## x1[101:400] 1.26011570 1.1201435 1.4000879
## x2[101:400] 0.74163133 0.6263096 0.8569530
## x3[101:400] 0.50317793 0.3809808 0.6253750
## z[101:400] 0.35112224 0.2244285 0.4778160
## Attaching package: 'CCEMI'
## The following object is masked _by_ '.GlobalEnv':
## imp1
#### Set Imputation number (normally set as 2, default is 2)
bn = 2
#### Set PredMatrix
predM = rbind(c(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0), # w1
c(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0), # w2
c(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0), # w3
c(1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1), # x1
c(1,1,1,1,0,1,1,1), # x2
c(1,1,1,1,1,0,1,1), # x3
c(0,0,0,1,1,1,0,1), # y
c(0,0,0,1,1,1,1,0)) # z
#### Specify model
m1 = "y ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + z"
#### Set calibration & Main data row number
nCalib = 100
nMain = 300
t1 = CCEMI(data = imp1, predM = predM, nCalib = nCalib, nMain = nMain, model = m1, nImp = bn, nBoot = 200)
#### Imputed dataset (N = nImp * nBoot)
# t1$impst
#### Complete Imputed dataset
# t1$imp_complete
#### Result summary
## $ests
## [1] -0.07018129 1.36748420 0.71008333 0.42804262 0.36485574
## $var
## [1] 0.008434466 0.013216339 0.011825148 0.010418662 0.005972463
## $ci
## [,1] [,2]
## [1,] -0.2531220 0.1127594
## [2,] 1.1365748 1.5983936
## [3,] 0.4913242 0.9288424
## [4,] 0.2201074 0.6359778
## [5,] 0.2044491 0.5252624
## $df
## [1] 75.31868 49.99335 47.03756 31.91522 21.68704
data_generate2 = function(true_x1, true_x2, true_x3, true_z, rhoxx, rhoxz, sigmaww.x, rhoww.x, p1, p2, p3){
muxz <- c(0, 0, 0, 0) # Mean
sigmaxz = matrix(c(1, 1*rhoxx, 1*rhoxx, 1*rhoxz,
1*rhoxx, 1, 1*rhoxx, 1*rhoxz,
1*rhoxx, 1*rhoxx, 1, 1*rhoxz,
1*rhoxz, 1*rhoxz, 1*rhoxz, 1), 4, 4)
sigmaxw <- matrix(c(sigmaww.x, sigmaww.x*rhoww.x, sigmaww.x*rhoww.x,
sigmaww.x*rhoww.x,sigmaww.x, sigmaww.x*rhoww.x,
sigmaww.x*rhoww.x, sigmaww.x*rhoww.x, sigmaww.x), 3, 3)
df_xz_m = mvrnorm(n = 600, mu = muxz, Sigma = sigmaxz)
#df_x = rbind(df_x_c, df_xz_m[,1:3])
df_w = c()
for(i in 1:600){
muw = c((1.1* df_xz_m[i, 1]), (1.1 * df_xz_m[i, 2]), (1.1 * df_xz_m[i, 3]))
df_w_a = mvrnorm(n = 1, mu = muw, Sigma = sigmaxw)
df_w = rbind(df_w, df_w_a)
#zc = ifelse(df_xz_m[,4] >= 0, 1, 0) ## For binary data
missing_data = cbind(w1 = df_w[,1],
w2 = df_w[,2],
w3 = df_w[,3],
x1 = df_xz_m[,1],
x2 = df_xz_m[,2],
x3 = df_xz_m[,3],
z = df_xz_m[,4],
y = rnorm(600, mean = true_x1 * df_xz_m[,1] +
true_x2 * df_xz_m[,2] +
true_x3 * df_xz_m[,3] +
true_z * df_xz_m[,4], 1)) %>% as.matrix()
c_data = missing_data
l_data = c_data
l_data1 = l_data[1:300,]
l_data2 = l_data[301:600,]
m_data2 = l_data[301:600,]
pp = c(l_data2[order(l_data2[,1],decreasing=F)[p1],1],
nn = c(l_data2[order(l_data2[,1],decreasing=F)[1],1],
m_data2[which(l_data2[,1]<=pp[1]),1]= log(exp(pp[1])/sqrt(2))
m_data2[which(l_data2[,2]<=pp[2]),2]= log(exp(pp[1])/sqrt(2))
m_data2[which(l_data2[,3]<=pp[3]),3]= log(exp(pp[1])/sqrt(2))
l_data2[which(l_data2[,1]<=pp[1]),1]= NA
l_data2[which(l_data2[,2]<=pp[2]),2]= NA
l_data2[which(l_data2[,3]<=pp[3]),3]= NA
l_data1[c(101:300), c(1, 4)] = NA
l_data1[c(1:100, 201:300), c(2, 5)] = NA
l_data1[c(1:201), c(3, 6)] = NA
l_data = rbind(l_data1, l_data2)
l_data[c(301:400),4:6] = NA
l_data[1:300,7:8] = NA
m_data = rbind(l_data1, m_data2)
m_data[c(101:400),4:6] = NA
m_data[1:100,7:8] = NA
return(list(m_data = m_data, c_data = c_data, l_data = l_data, pp = pp, nn = nn))
#### set missingness rate as 20%, 30%, 10% in W of main study sample
dg = data_generate2(1.2, 0.8, 0.4, 0.4, 0.3, 0.3, 0.25, 0, 30, 30, 30)
#### Upper bound and lower bound of Ws
pp = dg$pp
nn = dg$nn
#### External design with different calibration data with lod
imp2_lod = dg$m_data %>% as.tibble()
#### External design with different calibration data with lod (make lod = NA for imputation)
imp2 = dg$l_data %>% as.tibble()
#### Complete data ("True" data)
c_data2 = dg$c_data %>% as.tibble()
fit2_c = lm(y[301:600]~ x1[301:600] + x2[301:600] + x3[301:600] + z[301:600],data=c_data2)
cbind(fit2_c$coefficients,fit2_c %>% confint())
## 2.5 % 97.5 %
## (Intercept) -0.04968077 -0.1668017 0.0674402
## x1[301:600] 1.20206546 1.0676338 1.3364971
## x2[301:600] 0.77784630 0.6331818 0.9225108
## x3[301:600] 0.37590524 0.2440186 0.5077919
## z[301:600] 0.38960258 0.2678533 0.5113518
#### Set "method" to specify the variable that we want to use tobit regression to impute
method1 = c("RUTR", "RUTR","RUTR","norm","norm","norm","norm","norm")
#### Set upper bound of LOD data
upper_bound = pp
#### Set Imputation Matrix
predM_lod = rbind(c(0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0), # w1
c(0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0), # w2
c(0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0), # w3
c(1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1), # x1
c(0,1,0,1,0,1,1,1), # x2
c(0,0,1,1,1,0,1,1), # x3
c(0,0,0,1,1,1,0,1), # y
c(0,0,0,1,1,1,1,0)) # z
#### Set nCalib and nMain
nCalib = 100
nMain = 300
#### Others keep the same
t2 = CCEMI_LOD(data = imp2, predM = predM_lod, nCalib = nCalib, nMain = nMain, model = m1, method = method1, upper_bound = upper_bound, nImp = bn, nBoot = 200)
## $ests
## [1] -0.04405037 1.19799077 0.71610372 0.44095458 0.39462192
## $var
## [1] 0.006141426 0.007125913 0.005983625 0.007319846 0.005471563
## $ci
## [,1] [,2]
## [1,] -0.1989275 0.1108268
## [2,] 1.0303072 1.3656743
## [3,] 0.5621437 0.8700638
## [4,] 0.2712603 0.6106488
## [5,] 0.2480394 0.5412044
## $df
## [1] 146.40853 90.86745 79.29959 102.29393 110.59142