Searchable docs are available as GitHub pages at
Install pyenv to make it easier to manage python versions (Tested on ubuntu 22.04 where the default python version is 3.10). You can use the pyenv installer to do it easily, or go as simple as:
curl | bash
Then log off and log back on, in order to ensure that the
directory (used by pip
and pipenv
) is
available in your session's $PATH
, as well as the pyenv
shims directory.
On Mac, pipenv can be installed with Brew
brew install pyenv
If pipenv shell
results in an error configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables
you may not have recent development tools. Run the following:
sudo rm -rf /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools
sudo xcode-select --install
You should verify that a new terminal session has added
the pyenv shims directory to your $PATH
, then continue
in that new terminal session from now on.
pyenv will install a clean Python for you. This installation will insist on a few important libraries which you should have on your system before it installs our chosen Python development version.
sudo apt install -y libncurses-dev libbz2-dev libreadline-dev \
libssl-dev make build-essential libssl-dev zlib1g-dev \
libbz2-dev libreadline-dev libsqlite3-dev wget curl llvm \
libncursesw5-dev xz-utils tk-dev libxml2-dev libxmlsec1-dev \
libffi-dev liblzma-dev
Note: if the list of dependencies above changes, update the [docker/Dockerfile] file accordingly, so CI stays in sync with local development environments.
Run the following from the repo root:
# change into the directory of the repo
# cd ~/src/release
pyenv install 3.8.16 # installs Python 3.8.16 via pyenv
pyenv local 3.8.16 # tells pyenv to use 3.8.16 for this repo
pip3 install poetry # installs poetry to your 3.8.16
poetry env use $(which python) # instructs poetry to use 3.8.16
poetry install # installs all our dependencies to 3.8.16
Follow the instructions onscreen. Once the install is done,
close and open your shell window, or run bash
When you change into the release
directory (this repo),
typing poetry env info
should show that the current
folder is associated with a 3.8-based virtualenv.
Should problems arise during the install, you'll have to remove
the environment poby running pipenv --rm
You can see the full path to your virtualenv's Python interpreter
with the command poetry env info -p
. This is the interpreter
you should use in your IDE and in day-to-day commands with regards
to the Python programs in this repo. To activate the use of
this interpreter on the shell:
source "$(poetry env info -p)/bin/activate"
Install and enable pre-commit.
# cd ~/src/release
# source "$(poetry env info -p)/bin/activate"
pip3 install --user pre-commit
pre-commit install
More detailed instructions at .
You need an installation of rustup
and cargo
. You can follow the instructions from
This is typically as simple as running
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
command -v apt && sudo apt install -y clang mold protobuf-compiler || true
No need to install Clang for Mac OS user since it comes with Xcode.
brew install mold protobuff
Make sure you add $HOME/.cargo/bin
to your PATH, as written in the page above.
In the Rust development environment, all tools are installed to the ~/.cargo/bin directory, and this is where you will find the Rust toolchain, including rustc, cargo, and rustup.
To check if your Rust tooling is set up correctly, you can go to the repo root and then
cd rs
cargo check
This should succeed.
nvm install 14
nvm use 14
npm install --global yarn
sudo sysctl -w fs.inotify.max_user_watches=1048576
Bazel eats up a lot of inotify user watches.
This repository creates a container that is used in CI.
To build this container locally:
# cd ~/src/release
python3 docker/
# To diagnose *just* the build, run:
# docker build -f docker/Dockerfile .
# in the root of the repository.
You can export variables BUILDER=buildah
and CREATOR=podman
to use
Podman and Buildah during builds, instead of Docker. To make Buildah
use intermediate layers -- speeds up unchanged intermediate steps --
simply export BUILDAH_LAYERS=true
cargo install cargo-watch
cd dashboard
yarn install
To start the release dashboard locally, run the following from dashboard folder
yarn dev
To use the dre
CLI tool with the local dashboard instance run it with --dev
dre --dev subnet --id <id> replace -o1