Fast flash message integration.
From the command line, run:
composer require masterro/laravel-flashes
flash("Hello, {$name}!");
flash("Hello, {$name}!", 'success');
// ->success(), ->info(), ->warning(), ->error()
Package will trigger notify(message, type)
global javascript function that you should implement. As an example here is bootstrap-notify implementation:
window.notify = (message, type = 'success', options = {}) => {
if (type === 'error') {
type = 'danger';
return window.$.notify(window._.merge({
message: message
}, options), {
type: type,
animate: {
enter: 'animated bounceIn',
exit: 'animated bounceOut'
z_index: 9999,
delay: 7000,
mouse_over: 'pause',
offset: {
x: 20,
y: 30
It requires bootstrap
, bootstrap-notify
and animate.css
You can install and require those with yarn or npm:
yarn add bootstrap-notify
or npm i bootstrap-notify --save