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Folders and files

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4 Commits

Repository files navigation

Terminal Commands

pwd - To get path of working directory

ls - To list all files and directories of working directory

mkdir DirectoryName - To make directory of name DirectoryName

rmdir DirectoryName - To remove directory of name DirectoryName

cd DirectoryName - To open the directory of name DirectoryName

cat FIleName - To make file of name FileName

rm FIleName - To remove file of name FileName\

rm -rf .git - To remove .git file (undo git init)

echo -e "Text" >> FileName - To add Text to the end of the file of name FileName

echo -e "Text" > FileName - To clear and add (overwrite) Text to the file of name FileName

more FileName - To display content of the file of name FileName

more ./-file00 - To display content of the file of name -file00 (Example for file with name starting with -)

more ./* - To display content of all files on the directory (Use * instead of name to run any command for all the files/directories)

cp -r ExistingFile/DirectoryName CreatedFile/DirectoryName - To create a copy of ExistingFile/DirectoryName as CreatedFile/DirectoryName in the working directory

file FileName - To display file type

find - To display files that satisfy certain conditions (like size, type, permissions, have certain text in them)

Git Commands

git init - Initialise git (start saving versions)

git config --global "username" - To set username

git config --global "email" - To set email

git config --list - To list all configurations

git status - Shows changes that are not committed

git add FileName - Include FileName's changes to be updated in the next commit

git add DirectoryName - Include DirectoryName's changes to be updated in the next commit

git add . - Include all files/directories' changes to be updated in the next commit

git commit -m "Message" - Commits changes in the files added

git log - Lists history of all commits made

git checkout HEAD~1 - Go to the previous version of the directory

git checkout master - Go to the latest version of the directory

git branch BranchName - Create a branch of name BranchName

git checkout BranchName - Go to the branch of name BranchName

Merging Branches:

  • git checkout master

  • git merge BranchName - To merge BranchName to selected branch/master

Then add and commit

Merge Conflict:

Go to the file and correct the conflict manually, then add and commit

GitHub Commands

git remote add RemoteName RepoURL - Add remote to local repository (RemoteName can be anything but is generally origin or upstream)

git remote remove RemoteName - Remove remote

git push RemoteName BranchName - Push commits of BranchName to remote repository

git push RemoteName - Push commits of all branches to remote repository

git fetch RemoteName BranchName - Downloads changes to local repository

git merge RemoteName/BranchName - To merge BranchName of remote to local repository (Similar to git merge BranchName)

git pull RemoteName BranchName - Merge changes to local repository (It is like combination of previous two, fetch and merge commands)

git clone RepoURL - Clone the repository from remote to local repository

.gitignore - Add file names in this files to make then non trackable for git

.sh file - Type commands in .sh file to be able to run those commands in the terminal


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