Abstract HTTP Request is an HTTP Client for both Node.JS as well as Modern Browsers which handles:
- Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)
- Access-Control (AC) + XMLHttpRequest Level 2 (XHR2)
- XDomainRequest (XDR)
- Binary downloads (overrideMimeType hack)
- HTML5 FileApi
- Binary uploads
- FormData
- File
- FileList
- Automatically redirects on 3xx requests (excluding 304)
- HTTP Basic Auth
- Join multiple requests together (see the shorthand section below)
Supported Platforms:
- Node.JS v0.4.2+
- Chrome 9+
- Firefox 4+
- IE 9+
- Android Browser 2.2 (which lacks FormData support)
- iOS 5 Mobile Safari
npm install ahr2
Browser w/ Pakmanager
pakmanager build
Note: If you're supporting legacy browsers you'll need to include the es5
and JSON
modules in package.json
(you may also need to create fake functions for FormData, File, and FileList)..
browserDependencies: {
, "JSON"
window.FormData = window.FormData || function () {};
window.File = window.File || function () {};
window.FileList = window.FileList || function () {};
<script src="pakmanager.min.js"></script>
var request = require('ahr2');
var request = require('ahr2');
var request = require('ahr2') // Ender.JS providers `require` for browser
// use HREF
href: "/"
}).when(function (err, ahr, data) {
// use other stuff
method: 'GET'
, hostname: "foobar3000.com"
, port: 80
, pathname: "/echo"
, query: {
foo: "bar"
, baz: ["qux, quux"]
, corge: ""
}).when(function (err, ahr, data) {
// request.get(resource, query, [options]);
request.get("/resource", {foo: "bar", baz: "gizmo"}, {timeout: 10000});
request.head("/resource", {foo: "bar", baz: "gizmo"}, {timeout: 10000});
request.options("/resource", {foo: "bar", baz: "gizmo"}, {timeout: 10000});
request.delete("/resource", {foo: "bar", baz: "gizmo"}, {timeout: 10000});
// request.post(resource, query, body, options);
request.post("/resource", {}, body, [options]);
request.put("/resource", {}, body, [options]);
see options.body section below
Note: Yes, This does work in Node.JS and the Browser.
// request.jsonp(resource, jsonp, query, [options])
var flickrApi = "http://api.flickr.com/services/feeds/photos_public.gne?format=json";
request.jsonp(flickrApi, "jsoncallback", {tags: "cat", tagmode: "any"})
.when(function (err, response, data) {
console.log(data) // t3h kittehz!
AHR2 uses both EventEmitter and FuturesJS in both the browser and Node.JS.
You may use whichever syntax you find most convenient or appropriate.
var request = require('ahr2'); // Yes, you must use `require` even in the browser
Futures-style multi-callbacks
var future = request(options);
future.when(function (err, response, data) {
if (err) {
// handle error
// handle data
Node-style callback
// request(options);
var res = request(options)
, req = res.upload
req.on('progress', function (ev) {
// update UI
res.on('loadend', function (ev) {
if (ev.error) {
// handle error
throw ev.error;
// handle data
Both requests
and responses
have all of the following events.
The order of events has been normalized such that they are predictable and consistent.
events will always be fired and will always reach loadend
before response
events begin with loadstart
Proper Events:
- fired when the request is madeprogress
- fired occasionallyload
- fires on successloadend
- fires on completion (including afterload
, orabort
Error Events
- user abort completedtimeout
- user or default timeout completederror
- network or other error (not including >= 400 status codes)
The final loadend
is followed by the completion of all when
Note: anywhere that options
used you may use the href
string instead
Loosely modeled after the Node.JS Http.Client and URL API
var presets = {
// Overrides Connection and Request query
"href": ""
// Connection Params
, "protocol": "http" | "https"
, "ssl": false | true
, "port": 80 | 443
, "query": { "search": "keys" }
// Request Params
, "method": "GET"
, "auth": undefined // in the format "username:password"
, "headers": {} // see section below
, "body": undefined // see section below
, "encodedBody": undefined // if you encode the body yourself
// Response Params
, "responseEncoder": function (responseText) { return Custom.parse(responseText) } // a function to parse / encode data
// Timeout after 20 seconds
, "timeout": 20000
var presets = {
"headers": {
"User-Agent": YOUR-BROWSER-UA | "Node.js (AbstractHttpRequest v2.0)"
, "Accept": "application/json; charset=utf-8, */*; q=0.5" // prefer json utf-8, accept anything
, "Content-Type": undefined
, "Content-Length": this.encodedBody.length
, "Transfer-Encoding": undefined
is expected to be a JavaScript or FormData Object.
JavaScript Object:
"body": {
"name": "Alfred"
, "address": "Canada"
, "fav_color": "green"
will bex-www-form-urlencoded
- encoded result will be
File, FileList:
"body": {
"name": "Alfred"
, "profile_pic": [object File]
, "comment": "Me at the beach"
, "album_pics": [object FileList]
will bemultipart/form-data
- encoded result will default to
-based (notchunked
FormData Object:
"body": [object FormData]
will bemultipart/form-data
- encoded result will default to
-based (notchunked
If you have some sort of special encoding, format options.encodedBody
yourself and set options.headers['Content-Type'] yourself.
// npm install join
// or ender build join
var Join = require('join')
, join = Join()
// join(req1, req2, req3, ...);
request({ "href": "/foo" }),
).when(function (fooArgs, barArgs) {
var fArgs, bArgs;
fArgs = { err: fooArgs[0], response: fooArgs[1], data: fooArgs[2] };
bArgs = { err: barArgs[0], response: barArgs[1], data: barArgs[2] };
if (fArgs.err || bArgs.err) {