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KPLocation Picker allow to search location by name or set it manually on map drag. also provide option to search location by google api or geocode.

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YZLocation Picker allow to search location by name or set it manually on map drag. also provide option to search location by google api or geocode.


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  • Set google api key in YZConstant file if you want to search location with goole API. if you set googleKey empty then default search by Geocode.
let googleKey = "<google API key>"
  • Init YZMapVC from YZLocation storyboard and push or present this controller, it return selected address in completion block
let mapVc = UIStoryboard.init(name: "YZLocation", bundle: nil).instantiateInitialViewController() as! YZMapVC
mapVc.callBackBlock = {[weak self] address in
    self?.lblAddress.text = address.address
self.present(mapVc, animated: true, completion: nil)

API Description

If you want to add your custom UI then following API’s will help you to find address.

Search with google

  • Search your address with search text and it retuns custom Address array for related addresses in block which contains name and place referenceID of place. after that you can fill your UI according, you can also cancel previous request by using sessionDataTask. Also this method return one enum in block for netWorkError, loading, noResult and success.
func searchTextDidChange(textField: UITextField){
    if sessionDataTask != nil{

    let str = textField.text?.trimmingCharacters(in: NSCharacterSet.whitespacesAndNewlines)
    sessionDataTask = YZAPICalls.shared.getReferenceFromSearchText(text: str!, block: { (addresses, resType) in
       // Your code
  • After search term you need fulladdress, latitute and longitute of place. for this you need to call getLocationFromReference with place refId and it returns address structure with address, lat and long.
YZAPICalls.shared.getLocationFromReference(ref: arrData[indexPath.row - 1].refCode, block: { (address, error) in
    if error == nil{
        // Your Code
  • Get Address from latitute and longitute and it's return's formatted address string in block.
YZAPICalls.shared.getAddressFromLatLong(lat: "72.000", long: "19.0000", block: { (str) in
    // Your Code

Search with Geocode

  • Search your address with search text and it retuns custom Address array for related addresses in block of place. after that you can fill your UI according. Also this method return one enum in block for netWorkError, loading, noResult and success.
YZAPICalls.shared.searchAddressBygeocode(str: str!, block: { (adds, restype) in
    // Your Code
  • Get formatted address from CLLocation.
YZAPICalls.shared.addressFromlocation(location: location!, block: { (str) in
    // Your Code


KPLocation Picker allow to search location by name or set it manually on map drag. also provide option to search location by google api or geocode.






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