YZImagePicker is a simple and easy-to-use image picker class for iOS, written in Swift. It provides a convenient way to pick images from the device's photo library or camera.
Please add following permissions into the info.plist file:
- Privacy - Photo Library Usage Description for
- Privacy - Camera Usage Description for
- Pick images from the device's photo library.
- Capture images using the device's camera.
- Option to allow image editing before selection.
- Designed to work seamlessly with UIKit.
- Create an instance of YZImagePicker in your view controller:
var yzImagePicker: YZImagePicker!
yzImagePicker = YZImagePicker(presentationController: self)
- Pick an image from the Photos / Carema:
yzImagePicker.pick(type: .photoLibrary, allowEditing: true) { image in
// Handle the selected image here
- type: The source type to pick the image. It can be either photoLibrary or camera.
- allowEditing: A boolean value to allow image editing. default value is false.