Checkout the branches to see the projects.
Introduction: Using Ionic 4, Angularjs 8 to write a news reader app. Runionic serve
to run the app.
git add -A
git commit -m'merge'
Introduction: Using Nuxt.js(Vue.js, Express.js) and Hasura graphql to write a CMS.
Date: 2019.7
Introduction: Using Nuxt.js(Vue.js, Express.js), Axios and Itunes API to write a singer search app
Date: 2019.7
Branch: nuxtjs-itunes
Introduction: A python game, writen by python 3.7 and pygame.
Date: 2019.1
Branch: cats-game
Introduction: A To-do List written by Vue.js 2.
Branch: vue-todo
Introduction: A Eleme-like website written by Vue.js 2.
Branch: vue-eleme
Introduction: Using Angular and Ionic to build Android App.
Branch: ng-ionc
Introduction: A simple version of vue todolist.
Branch: vue-todo2
Introduction: A LBS game.
Branch: lomo