We're pleased to announce the release of mongo-connector version 2.5.1!
To install the latest version please look at the installation instructions.
Version 2.5.1 improves testing, documentation, and fixes the following bugs:
- Only use listDatabases when necessary.
- Do not use the listShards command.
- Fix PyMongo 3.0 compatibility.
- Fixes support for MongoDB 2.4's invalid $unsets operations.
- Set array element to null when $unset, do not remove the element completely.
- Command line SSL options should override the config file.
- Properly send "ssl.sslCertificatePolicy" to MongoClients.
- Properly output log messages while configuration is parsed.
- All source clients should inherit MongoDB URI options from the main address.
- Do not retry operations that result in authorization failure.
Thanks to everyone who contributed to this release: