Multi-modal Continuous Dimensional Emotion Recognition Using Recurrent Neural Network and Self-Attention Mechanism
In this repo, we present our solutions to the MuSe-Wild sub-challenge in MuSe 2020-The Multimodal Sentiment in Real-life Media Challenge.
- Python 3.7
- PyTorch 1.4.0
- Pandas
- Matplotlib
- NumPy
- Pickle
We utilize the Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) recurrent neural network as well as the self-attention mechanism (denoted by the dotted lines) for continuous dimensional emotion recognition.
We adopt both early fusion and late fusion for multi-modal emotion recognition in this challenge. For early fusion, we simply concatenate multiple uni-modal features and feed them into the model. For late fusion, we employ a second-level LSTM model to fuse the predictions from several uni-modal features.
- Change the dataset path PATH_TO_MUSE_2020 in to yours.
- For training the uni-modal and early fusion model, run command like this
python --emo_dim_set [arousal or valence] --feature_set [directory of your feature set] ...
python --emo_dim_set valence --feature_set egemaps fasttext --d_rnn 64 --rnn_n_layers 1 --rnn_bi --attn --n_layers 1 --n_heads 8 --epochs 100 --batch_size 1024 --lr 0.005 --seed 43 --n_seeds 1 --min_lr 1e-5 --rnn_dr 0.0 --attn_dr 0.0 --out_dr 0.0 --win_len 200 --hop_len 100 --add_seg_id --log --gpu 6
The above options can be found in By default, the feature_set is the directory (can be more than one for multi-modal setting) under [path to your dataset]/c1_muse_wild/feature_segments/label_aligned.
- For training the late fusion model, run command like this
python --emo_dim_set [arousal or valence] --base_dir [your fusion folder] ...
python --emo_dim_set arousal --base_dir ./fusion/test--d_model 32 --rnn_bi --n_layers 1 --epochs 15 --batch_size 64 --lr 0.001 --seed 42 --n_seeds 3 --loss ccc --min_lr 1e-5 --gpu 3 --log
The above options can be found in Note that it's needed to put the multiple uni-modal predictions (generated by uni-modal or early fusion model) into the source sub-folder in base_dir.
In the sub-challenge, Concordance Correlation Coefficient (CCC) is chosen as the evaluation metric. The best submission results on validation set and test set are as follows.
Emotion | Partition | Baseline [1] | Ours |
Arousal | Val | 0.3978 | 0.5616 |
Valence | Val | 0.1506 | 0.4876 |
Arousal | Test | 0.2834 | 0.4726 |
Valence | Test | 0.2431 | 0.5996 |
[1] Lukas Stappen, Alice Baird, Georgios Rizos, Panagiotis Tzirakis, Xinchen Du, Felix Hafner, Lea Schumann, Adria Mallol-Ragolta, Bj ̈orn W. Schuller, Iulia Lefter, Erik Cambria, Ioannis Kompatsiaris: “The 2020 Multimodal Sentiment Analysis in Real-life Media Workshop and Challenge: Emotional Car Reviews in-the-wild”, Proceedings of ACM-MM 2020, Seattle, United States, 2020.