Eagly library with York Hackspace logo. Two sizes, two versions per size. Silkscreen only and Copper + Silkscreen
To install. Copy YHSLogo.lbr to somewhere. Either the eagle default LBR directory or to a project directory (or somewhere else if you so desire). Then open eagle and click 'use', find library, job done.
Logos are found in 'YHSLogo' in the add dialog. (Usually near the top for upper case 'Y')
This is released under the Commons Attribution-ShareAlike licence. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/
Original works: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:FlagOfYorkshire.svg http://www.irvinebrown.com/stuff/hackspace-art.zip (Matthew Irvine Brown)