@mainpage yins (An simple implementation of SINS)
Here is introduction
2019/09/30 Add GNSS/INS/OD loosely kalman filter combination.
See yins_html_docs
, use browser to open html file.
Abbre | explanation |
Cnb | \f$ C_n^b \f$, trans matrix n-axis to b-axis(the same as Qnb) |
Cnb,Qnb,Enb | trans from n-frame to b-axis(or attitude b-axis to n-axis) |
n,b,e,i,c,d | reference frame, navitaion/imu body/ecef/eci/carrier/odometer |
euler | Euler attitude, [roll, pitch, yaw] |
g | gps(or gnss phase center),gravity |
d | data, or DELTA, mean difference, e.g. dv, dtheta |
theta | angle increment |
v | velocity |
SHF | Spherical Harmonics Function |
dbl | double |
enu,ned | East, North, Up, Down |
v3 | 3D vector |
m3 | 3D matrix |
_t | data type |
att | attitude(could express by DCM,Quat,Euler), most express as "Enb" |
mul | multiply |
dcm,ctm | Direct Cosine Matrix, Coordinate Transform Matrix |
w | Omega, Rotation rate(wie_e mean \f$ w_ie^e \f$, project to e-axis) |
rv | rotation vector |
lat | latitude |
lon | longitude |
hgt | height |
pos | position, most represent under geodetic coordinate, (lat,lon,hgt) |
xyz | position under ECEF, Cartesian coordinate |
rad | radius |
deg | degree, unit |
nav | navigtaion |
cfg | config/configuration |
kf | kalman filter |
od | odometer |
sol | solution |
ft | filetype |
kod | odometer scalar factor, true/output |
itg | intergral |
ycsv | yins csv file, a self-explain extended csv file format for yins |
you can use LATEX here:
\f$ \lambda = \alpha \f$
\f[ \lambda = \frac{a}{b} \f]