matlab.vim is a vim script which aims to easy to edit matlab.vim scripts,the Features cotains as following:
1. keywords highlight (common words,not all)
2. Automatic alignment
3. Check syntax error
4. Tag support
5. jump matching groups
However, I am a just a porter, this script is made by someone in matlab forum.
It only for linuxer!
if you you are using vundle , you could add following to vundle configure in ~/.vimrc:
Plugin "yinflying/matlab.vim"
and then update the vundle in vim :
of course, you could also download these file and then put then under ~/.vim/
And then you should add following in ~/.vimrc to support syntax checking:
autocmd BufEnter *.m compiler mlint
of cousrse, you should have the "mlint" , which provide by matlab. You could check by type "mlint" in terminal. If not recognized, you should fint the file "mlint" under the matlab directory , and make a link under /usr/bin;
if you want use "%" to match if/end,classdef/end,methods/end,you should install another plugin "matchit".
You could automatic alignment with "=";
You could check the systax error by ":make" and ":copen", and ":cn"&":cp" jump to error line;