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Using the Great Lakes cluster and batch computing with SLURM

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ssh [email protected] Then enter the password

Great Lakes SLURM Tutorial

  • Using the Great Lakes cluster and batch computing with SLURM
  • You must establish a user login on Great Lakes by filling out this form.
  • Contact IT to be added under lgarmire root account if you have not done so.

Important notice on data storage

  • People should not run jobs directly from login node, using Greatlakes OnDemand or submit sbatch jobs instead.
  • Due to regulation, people should not store any Garmire's lab related data and code under default Greatlakes home directory: /home/uniquname
  • Instead, you should store all lab materials under Garmire's NAS:
/nfs/dcmb-lgarmire/uniqname	#personal NAS home
/nfs/dcmb-lgarmire/shared/  	#for group shared data
  • Use scratch space for large temporary data (purged after 60 days) at
  • Use turbo and Armis2 for HIPAA data at


  • Greatlakes login node:
  • Armis2 login node:
  • Garmire lab login node:
  • You can ssh login with terminal, MobaXTerm, PuTTY, etc. (Authentication requires Level 1 password and DUO):
  • Access your NAS home directory:
cd /nfs/dcmb-lgarmire/uniqname

Greatlakes OnDemand: Interactive job with GUI

  1. Log into
  2. Select from Interactive Apps menu
  3. Request for the time/memory/cores/modules as you need
  4. Launch

SLURM Commands

Full SLURM guide:

Command Description
sbatch your_job.sbat Submit your job
squeue -j jobid Check job status by jobid
squeue -u uniqname Check job status by user's uniqname
scancel jobid Cancel submitted job by jobid
seff jobid Show total time and memory usage for job
my_usage uniqname List resource usage for user uniqname
sinfo Show node status by partition
sstate Show CPU, GPU, memory allocation for each node
scontrol show node node_name Show details for a job by jobid
scontrol show job jobid Check job status by user's uniqname

Example of a .sbat job file

#!/bin/bash  					#This has to be the first line
#SBATCH --job-name=your_job
#SBATCH --nodes=2
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=2
#SBATCH --time=24:00:00
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=100g
#SBATCH --partition=largemem  	#optional, largemem node has 1.5T
							    #regular node has 180G
#SBATCH [email protected] 
#SBATCH --mail-type=END         
#SBATCH --output=./%x-%j        
#SBATCH --account=lgarmire99

module load packages
cd /nfs/dcmb-lgarmire/uniqname/work_directory/
Rscript "/nfs/dcmb-lgarmire/uniqname/work_directory/script.R"

Load modules

  1. Pre-installed bioinformatics tools on Greatlakes including seurat, bcftools, cellprofiler, cellranger, gatk, picard, plink, monocle, etc.:
module load Bioinformatics
  1. Then load the packages (for example):
module load RSeurat/5.0.1
module load cellranger/7.2.0
  1. search for a module
module spider <keyword>
  1. Check full list of available modules:
module avail
  1. Check loaded modules:
module list
  1. Remove loaded modules:
module rm RSeurat/5.0.1

Setup conda environment

Rather than using the modules provided, people can also use conda to manage software dependencies.

I. Create new environment from scratch

  1. Create a conda environment called r-bioinfo and install R base:
conda create -n myenv
  1. Activate the environment and install more packages:
conda activate myenv
conda install conda-forge::r-seurat

II. Clone your existing conda environment to Greatlakes

  1. Activate the environment
conda activate old_env
  1. Export list of packages and versions
conda list --export > package-list.txt
  1. Upload the package_list.txt to GL and create an identical environment:
conda create -n new_env --file package-list.txt


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Using the Great Lakes cluster and batch computing with SLURM






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