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Typeless Programming Language `sicpy` and Compiler; 无类型编程语言`sicpy`及对应编译器;

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Summary: SCP stands for simple C and python, which I named as sicpy. Sicpy is an untyped language that integrates features of both C and Python, and is developed entirely in C. Here are some features of the language:

  • Variables do not require type declaration, the compiler will automatically guess the type.
  • Uses if, elif, and else in place of switch.
  • Accessing global variables in local scope requires the use of global.
  • Native string type with automatic garbage collection through reference counting and can be concatenated with +.
  • Native sicpy functions such as print, fopen, fwrite, fread, fclose, with an interface reserved for calling C functions.
  • A DBG module for interpreter developers (assert and panic) and an error-reporting module precise to the line number for programmers (runtime and compile errors).
  • ...more features awaiting exploration.

Development Details

Code Count

Date : 2020-12-26 10:03:11

Total : 19 files, 2474 codes, 380 comments, 375 blanks, all 3229 lines

language files code comment blank total
C 11 1,663 230 231 2,124
C++ 4 363 44 85 492
Yacc/Bison 1 240 79 31 350
Lex/Flex 1 151 26 26 203
Makefile 1 45 1 2 48
JSON with Comments 1 12 0 0 12

Lexical Analysis

  • Global variable: Used to store the string stream processed by flex.
#define STRING_ALLOC_SIZE       (256)   /* new buffersize when buffers run out*/
static char *flex_string_buffer = NULL;
static int flex_string_buffer_size = 0;
static int flex_string_buffer_alloc_size = 0;
  • Key functions: Called in flex, facilitating interaction with global variables.
/* Add a new character to the string */
void scp_add_character(int letter)
/* Clear the string buffer */
void scp_reset_string_buffer(void)
/* Terminate the string, appending \0 at the end */
char * scp_close_string(void)
  • Flex states: Includes INITIAL, COMMENT, and STRING.

    • INITIAL is the default state, processing identifiers, parentheses, numbers, etc. Encounter # to initiate COMMENT mode, and " to initiate STRING mode.
    • COMMENT is for comments, where all characters are discarded. On encountering \n, it returns to INITIAL.
    • STRING is for processing strings, the aforementioned global variables and key functions are used here. Encounter " again to return to INITIAL.
  • Example

    /* `#` means comment mode starts */
    /* Encountering a newline in a comment indicates the end of the comment and returns to the INITIAL state */
    /* Matching the start of a string, set buffer to 0 */
    flex_string_buffer_size = 0;
<STRING>\" {
    /* In string state, encountering " indicates the end of the string, and the entire string is added to the expression */
    Expression *expression = scp_alloc_expression(STRING_EXPRESSION);
    // scp_close_string() copys current string and adds `\0` in the end
    expression->u.string_value = scp_close_string();
    yylval.expression = expression;
    BEGIN INITIAL;     // back to INITIAL State
    return STRING_TOKEN;

Syntax Analysis

  • Core Data Structures:
%union {
    char                *identifier;       /* Identifier */
    ParameterList       *parameter_list;   /* Parameter list */
    ArgumentList        *argument_list;    /* Argument list */
    Expression          *expression;       /* Expression */
    Statement           *statement;        /* Statement */
    StatementList       *statement_list;   /* List of statements */
    Block               *block;            /* Block, contains list of statements */
    Elif                *elif;             /* elif expression */
    IdentifierList      *identifier_list;  /* List of identifiers */
  • Recursive Grammar Design is used for expression evaluation.

Note: The lower the priority, the higher the level in grammar design, and the later it gets calculated.

expression -> logical_or_expression -> logical_and_expression -> equality_expression
-> relational_expression -> additive_expression -> multiplicative_expression 
-> unary_expression -> primary_expression
  • statment_list — List of statements:

    • A statement is parsed as an expression followed by a semicolon, in the form: expression SEMICOLON. It consists of 7 types of statements.

          | global_statement
          | if_statement
          | while_statement
          | for_statement
          | return_statement
          | break_statement
          | continue_statement
    • The list of statements chains statements together, forming an overall structure that facilitates invocation.

  • block — Application of code blocks:

    • There are two types of blocks: one that contains a list of statements, such as {list of statements}: LC statement_list RC, and one that's an empty block, like {}: LC RC.
    • Once a block is declared, it can be flexibly used in function definitions, loops, etc.
  • argument_list and parameter_list — Lists of arguments and parameters:

    • The list of arguments or parameters is composed of parameters.
    • If a single identifier or expression is passed, like identifier (parameter) or expression (argument), a corresponding list is created.
    • If a list already exists, they are linked.
  • function — Function definition and parameter passing. There are two grammar patterns depending on whether parameters are passed:

    • function identifier() {}.
    • function identifier(parameter_list) {}.
  • if_statement — If statements. There are four parsing modes for if statements:

    1. A single if, in the form IF LP expression RP block.
    2. If + else, in the form IF LP expression RP block ELSE block.
    3. If + list of elif, in the form IF LP expression RP block elif_list.
    4. If + list of elif + else, in the form IF LP expression RP block elif_list ELSE block.
  • elif — Implementation of elif expressions:

    • Elif is essentially the same as if statements, where the expression is stored in the corresponding data structure.
    • However, the difference with elif is that it can extend indefinitely (an if can have countless elifs), so we need to use elif_list to chain statements.
    • The chaining logic is the same as the list of statements and the list of parameters.

Semantic Analysis

  • The basic idea of semantic analysis is to allocate memory space for expressions and store them in the corresponding data structures. Calculations or processes are then conducted at the appropriate time.

  • Why not calculate directly? Because we are an interpreted language. We need to infer the type based on the context, and direct calculation can cause false short-circuiting.

    • What is false short-circuiting? For example, if we directly perform an addition calculation when analyzing additive_expression, due to the order of logical computation, by the time we pass it to logical_and_expression LOGICAL_AND equality_expression, our left and right expressions have already been calculated. Carrying out a logical short-circuit operation at this point is actually meaningless.
  • Example: For semantic processing of the block, we allocate memory and store the corresponding list of statements.

/* code block */
block: LC statement_list RC{
            /* eg: {a=2; b=3;} */
            Block *block = scp_malloc(sizeof(Block));
            block->statement_list = $2;
            $$ = block;
        | LC RC {
            /* empty code block */
            Block *block = scp_malloc(sizeof(Block));
            block->statement_list = NULL;
            $$ = block;
  • Example 2: For semantic processing of the if statement, we parse the corresponding grammar and create the relevant expression.
/* create if statement */
Statement * scp_create_if_statement(Expression *condition,
                        Block *then_block, Elif *elif_list, Block *else_block)
    Statement *st = alloc_statement(IF_STATEMENT);
    st->u.if_block.condition = condition;
    st->u.if_block.then_block = then_block;
    st->u.if_block.elif_list = elif_list;
    st->u.if_block.else_block = else_block;

    return st;

/* if statement */
if_statement: IF LP expression RP block {
            /* eg: if(3<5){} */
            $$ = scp_create_if_statement($3, $5, NULL, NULL);
        | IF LP expression RP block ELSE block {
            /* eg: if(2>4){} else{} */
            $$ = scp_create_if_statement($3, $5, NULL, $7);
        | IF LP expression RP block elif_list {
            /* eg: if(2>4){} elif{} elif{} */
            $$ = scp_create_if_statement($3, $5, $6, NULL);
        | IF LP expression RP block elif_list ELSE block {
            /* eg: if(2>4){} elif{} elif{} else{} */
            $$ = scp_create_if_statement($3, $5, $6, $8);

Core Data Types

  • The main actions in our semantic analysis are to store information and defer calculations. Therefore, we need corresponding data structures to store the relevant information.
  • SCP_Interpreter — Top-level design, the foundation of all functions
/* SCP Interpreter */
struct SCP_Interpreter_tag {
    MEM_Storage         interpreter_storage;    /* Interpreter memory */
    MEM_Storage         execute_storage;        /* Execution memory */
    Variable            *variable;              /* Variable */
    FunctionDefinition  *function_list;         /* List of function definitions */
    StatementList       *statement_list;        /* Statement list */
    int                 current_line_number;    /* Line number */
  • Expression, the basic computational unit
/* Expression */
struct Expression_tag {
    ExpressionType type;
    int line_number;
    union {
        SCP_Boolean             boolean_value;              /* Boolean value */
        int                     int_value;                  /* int value */
        double                  double_value;               /* double value */
        char                    *string_value;              /* string value */
        char                    *identifier;                /* Identifier */
        AssignExpression        assign_expression;          /* Assignment expression */
        BinaryExpression        binary_expression;          /* Binary expression */
        Expression              *minus_expression;          /* Negative value expression */
        FunctionCallExpression  function_call_expression;   /* Function call expression */
    } u;

Computation Module

  • After storing the information, the corresponding operations are performed. Since it is a typeless language, our operations need to compute not only the result value but also the result type (the type of the operation value is guessed during assignment).

  • Example: Computing a binary expression

/* Calculate the expression, passing in the interpreter, current environment, operator, and left and right expressions for computation */
SCP_Value scp_eval_binary_expression(SCP_Interpreter *inter, LocalEnvironment *env,
                           ExpressionType operator, Expression *left, Expression *right)
    SCP_Value   left_val = eval_expression(inter, env, left);
    SCP_Value   right_val = eval_expression(inter, env, right);
    SCP_Value   result;

    /* Computation where both left and right are of type int */
    if (left_val.type == SCP_INT_VALUE && right_val.type == SCP_INT_VALUE) {
        eval_binary_int(inter, operator, left_val.u.int_value,
                        right_val.u.int_value, &result, left->line_number);
    /* Computation where both left and right are of type double */
    else if (left_val.type == SCP_DOUBLE_VALUE && right_val.type == SCP_DOUBLE_VALUE) {
        eval_binary_double(operator, left_val.u.double_value,
                            right_val.u.double_value, &result, left->line_number);

    /* Computation where the left is int and the right is double */
    else if (left_val.type == SCP_INT_VALUE && right_val.type == SCP_DOUBLE_VALUE) {
        left_val.u.double_value = left_val.u.int_value;     /* datatype cast */
        eval_binary_double(operator, left_val.u.double_value, right_val.u.double_value,
                           &result, left->line_number);
    /* skip…… */
    /* Handling the left side as a string and the operator is addition */
    else if (left_val.type == SCP_STRING_VALUE && operator == ADD_EXPRESSION) {
        /* skip…… */
    /* If either side is NULL */
    else if (left_val.type == SCP_NULL_VALUE || right_val.type == SCP_NULL_VALUE) {
        result.type = SCP_BOOLEAN_VALUE;
        result.u.boolean_value = eval_binary_null(operator, &left_val, &right_val, left->line_number);
    /* skip…… */
    return result;
  • As can be seen, we have to analyze each possible scenario to compute the final expression type.
  • This is also why typeless languages are generally slower than strongly typed languages.

Debug Module

  • An encapsulation of assert and panic functions for interpreter developers.

    • Macro-defined default variadic functions DBG_assert and DBG_panic can be directly called in the source code.

    • Usage example:

          /* Asserts that the expression cond.type == SCP_BOOLEAN_VALUE is true, otherwise it raises an error and returns the position and information. */
          DBG_assert(cond.type == SCP_BOOLEAN_VALUE, ("cond.type..%d", cond.type));
          /* return results */
          Assertion failure (cond.type == SCP_BOOLEAN_VALUE)   file:execute.c   line:103  cond.type..0
  • An error-report module is available for language programmers, including compilation errors and runtime errors. It can guess the error location (returns -1 if the guess fails) and provides an error message.

    • Example:

      /* Mistakenly typing extra characters in the code */
      print("10.0 % 8.0 = " + (10.0 % 8.0) + "\n");aas  /
      /* Compilation error output with 12 as the line number */
      12: Syntax error near (print).
      /* Calling an undeclared function */
      /* Runtime error with 299 as the line number */
      299: Function (gtestfunc) not found.

Memory Module

  • Encapsulation for memory allocation and deallocation, for interpreter developers.
  • Currently, there are these 5 function macro definitions.
#define MEM_malloc(size) (MEM_malloc_func(__FILE__, __LINE__, size))

#define MEM_realloc(ptr, size) (MEM_realloc_func(__FILE__, __LINE__, ptr, size))

#define MEM_strdup(str) (MEM_strdup_func(__FILE__, __LINE__, str))

#define MEM_open_storage(page_size) (MEM_open_storage_func(__FILE__, __LINE__, page_size))

#define MEM_storage_malloc(storage, size) (MEM_storage_malloc_func(__FILE__, __LINE__, storage, size))

Sicpy Native Functions and C Language Function Interface

  • Sicpy native functions such as print, fopen, fwrite, fread, and fclose.
  • An interface is reserved for extending native C language functions.
  • Interface example: After writing the corresponding function, register it at the add_native_functions location.
/* add scp native functions groups */
static void add_native_functions(SCP_Interpreter *inter)
    SCP_add_native_function(inter, "print", scp_nv_print_proc);
    SCP_add_native_function(inter, "fopen", scp_nv_fopen_proc);
    SCP_add_native_function(inter, "fclose", scp_nv_fclose_proc);
    SCP_add_native_function(inter, "fread", scp_nv_fread_proc);
    SCP_add_native_function(inter, "fwrite", scp_nv_fwrite_proc);

User Manual

Compilation and Execution

  1. Compilation: On Windows 10, run make in the SCP folder to compile and generate sicpy.exe (requires flex, bison, and gcc environment).
  2. Execution: A test file is already present in the test folder. Run .\sicpy test/test.scp to execute the program and see the output.

Language Description

  1. Source File Encoding: Generally, you can use UTF-8 encoding on Windows 10. If you need to output Chinese characters, use GBK encoding format (same as the console output format).

  2. Keywords:

    if else elif for function global return break null true false continue while
  3. Comments: Use # for comments.

  4. Identifiers: The first letter should be an English alphabet (uppercase or lowercase) or an underscore. From the second character onwards, it can be an English alphabet, underscore, or a number.

  5. Constants: Boolean values, integer constants, real number constants, string constants, null constants.

  6. Operators:

    && || = == != > >= < <= + - * / % !
  7. Delimiters: () {} ; ,

  8. Implicit Type Conversion: When using binary operators and comparison operators, if the types on both sides are different, type conversion is based on the following rules:

    • If one side is a real number and the other is an integer, it will be converted to real number operations.
    • If the left is a string and the right is a boolean type/int type/real type, the right will be converted to a string.
  9. Global Statement: To reference a global variable inside a function, you must use the global statement to avoid unintended modifications to global variables.

  10. Function Definitions: Use the function keyword to declare a function.

Input and Output Examples

  • Example 1: for loop, if, else


for (i = 0; i < 5; i = i + 1) {
    if (i == 0) {
        print("i = 0\n");
    elif (i == 1) {
        print("i = 1\n");
    elif (i == 2) {
        print("i = 2\n");
    else {
        print("i = else\n");


i = 0
i = 1
i = 2
i = else
i = else
  • local and global variable


value = 10;
function func() {
    global value;
    value = 20;
function func2() {
    value = 30;
    print("value.." + value + "\n");    # output 30
print("value.." + value + "\n");        # output 20, because the global variable was modified by the function.




  • "Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools" (Dragon Book) — Alfred V. Aho, et al.
  • "Modern Compiler Implementation in C" (Tiger Book) — Andrew W. Appel
  • "Advanced Compiler Design and Implementation" (Whale Book) — Steven S. Muchnick
  • "Creating Your Own Programming Language" — Kazuya Maehashi (Japanese)


Typeless Programming Language `sicpy` and Compiler; 无类型编程语言`sicpy`及对应编译器;






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