- Description
- Dev Process
- All version
- How to install
- License
- This project provides an interactive dashoboard of COVID-19 confirmed and death cases data that you can run on your local server by running the main.py file on local software.
- The aim is to give a clear interactive vizualisation of the covid-19 epidemic in different countries of the world.
The number of cases and deaths per country and date are provided as open-data by the COVID-19 Dataset by Our World in Data. Dashboard and Visualisation was created by the three students of CRI-AIRE Master.
You can select new cases and new death, total confirmed cases per million(normalized) and total death cases per million(normalized), vaccination per hundred and conutry by date. Feel free to play and the the graph.
If you want to see the interactive dashboard click HERE
- COVID DATA extracted from open source - 21/05/2021
- Population DATA extracted from Kaggle to normalize the data
- Creating streamlit interface on Pycharm
Please install the project dependencies run pip install -r requirements.txt
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
There have:
pandas == 1.2.4
streamlit == 0.82.0
plotly == 4.14.3
2nd Please install Pycharm , you can choose PyCharm Community Edition, it's free.
3rd CE example: run on Pycharm terminal:
$ streamlit run main.py
Congrats! You can try!
It's an practice of open source course by a group of students, feel free to give us feedback! Thank you!
MIT Licence
Copyright (c) 2021 yemre-data