This project performs topic and sentiment analysis on an arabic & english datasets from the hashtags #JerusalemEmbassy and #القدس_عاصمة_فلسطين_الابدية and then creates graphml files that visualize the dataset and political sides it contains. The following steps are a walk-through for the mentioned process.
This dataset is divided into 3 phases:
- Phase 1: Dec 6 2017 to Jan 20 2018.
- Phase 2: Jan 21 2018 to May 09 2018.
- Phase 3: May 10 2018 to May 24 2018.
The English dataset can be found in dataset/phase1 , dataset/phase2 and dataset/phase3. Each phase contains 3 csv files: 1 for replies, and 1 for the tweets that are replied to, and a third for non-reply tweets. The following is the sequence to follow for recreating the project for the English dataset:
- creates an LDA model and assigns each tweet a topic and adds a sentiment column. The resulting dataframes can be found in the folder topic_sentiment_pickles .
- topic_sentiment_dfs.ipynb is a notebook that separates all tweets that belong to the same topic with the same sentiment in a dataframe (e.g: the dataframe neg3_phase1 contains all the tweets from topic 3 with a negative sentiment in phase 1). The resulting dataframes can be found in the folder topic_sentiment_dfs.
- contains the code to generate wordclouds from the dataframes in topic_sentiment_dfs folder. The resulting wordclouds can be found in the folder wordclouds
- Creating the graph files: to create the graphs for each phase the following files should be run in the order specified below (Note that phaseX means phase1 or phase2 or phase3):
- (This groups nodes according to political pole)
- (This groups nodes according to topic + sentiment)
The resulting graph files can be found in full_graphs_POL and full_graphs_TS folders depending on the selected step v
To label boundary nodes and edges and get the boundary score, the following files should be run in the order specified below:
The resulting files can be found in boundary_labeled_graphs
This dataset covers tweets from the phase defined above as phase 3. The Arabic dataset can be found in dataset/arabic The following is the sequence to follow for recreating the project for the Arabic dataset:
- arabic_topic_extraction.ipynb performs manual topic mapping through looking for keywords in tweets. The resulting grouping can be found in arabic_topic_dfs folder
- Creating the graph files: to create the graphs for the Arabic dataset the following files should be run in the order specified below
The resulting graphs can be found in the full_graph_arabic folder
To label boundary nodes and edges and get the boundary score, the following files should be run in the order specified below:
The resulting files can be found in boundary_labeled_graphs