Anonymous P2P video chat with rooms
- P2P video chat
- rooms with invite link
- off/on video
- off/on micro
- room creator can kick users
- aiohttp with Python 3.9
- React 17 with Typescript, eslint and react-router
- WebRTC by simple-peer
- Auto Deploy by github workflow
- Docker compose for easier development
- Nginx as a reverse proxy to allow backend and frontend on the same port
- letsencrypt
- styled-components
This project consists of aiohttp application for the backend API, React for client side application and nginx as a reverse-proxy for connecting api and the front-end. This project also use docker-compose
to make it easy run all of the container at once.
Before you run this application make sure you have this installed in your machine:
To run the application locally, run this command
$ docker-compose -f docker/docker-compose.yml up
After you run above commands you can open the application from http://localhost:8080/