OCS Java SDK is an open source compatible MEMCACHED protocol that used to access ALIYUN's OCS and other compatible Memached service. This pacakge contains a single-threadded, and thread-safe ALIYUN's OCS client, which supports both asynchronous and synchronous style API, and contains full source code.
Please use the latest version 0.0.1.
Java 1.6 or greater. Maven 2.0 or greater. Netty 3.6.3.Final. The source code can be imported into any Java IDE. Please use Maven to build this package.
mvn assembly:assembly
import com.aliyun.ocs.OcsClient;
import com.aliyun.ocs.OcsException;
import com.aliyun.ocs.OcsOptions;
import com.aliyun.ocs.utils.*;
void testOcs() {
String domain = " aliyunocs.com";
String username = "your ocs instance id";
String password = "password";
OcsClient ocs = new OcsClient(domain, username, password);
OcsOptions options = OcsOptions.defaultOptions();
OcsFuture<OcsResult> setFuture = ocs.set("key", "value", 0, 0, options);
OcsFuture<OcsResult> getFuture = ocs.get("key", options);