Given a piece of personal information such as an email address, IP address, or a public key, the program will generate a unique avatar. This package allows the generation of such avatars taking color-contrast and symmetry into account.
# See Help
go run . -h
# General Usage
go run . <identifier> [--complexity=<level>] [--width=<widthInPx>] [(--output=<filePathAndName> [--overwriteExistingFile])]
# Example: output result into filename.png (overwrites if it already exists)
go run . MY_UNIQUE_STRING --complexity=4 --width=200 --output=filename.png --overwriteExistingFile
# Example: pipe output from stdout into file `myfile.png`
go run . MY_UNIQUE_STRING > myfile.png
# Example: Compile and run
go build .
./godenticon MY_UNIQUE_STRING > myfile.png