Backend for Reja3li, an app to help you remember to whom you lent your stuff.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
After cloning this repo on your local machine you will have to install the dependencies, you can do it using yarn or npm on your terminal:
yarn install
npm install
After that you should be able to startup the dev server using either
yarn dev
npm run dev
You will then be able to send HTTP requests at localhost:6969 using an HTTP client.
If 6969
doesn't suit you as a port number you can edit it in server.js
If you're using Insomnia as your HTTP client, you can find an export file for the workspace containing the requests, so you don't have to write them all again.
After importing the workspace, please read the description [Shift+ Ctrl + ,] for further instructions.
No guides available yet. If you can add a short guide and/or export files please submit a pull request.
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under a modified MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details