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Regenerate Protobuf File

First install the protobuf compiler or update by following the instructions in Installing Protocol Buffer Compiler below.

Use the following command to compile a protocol buffer.

protoc -I. -I../vendor --go_out=. --go_opt=paths=source_relative --go-grpc_out=. --go-grpc_opt=paths=source_relative *.proto
  • This command must be run from the directory containing the .proto file being compiled.
  • The -I flag specifies where to find imports used by the .proto file and may need to be modified or removed to suit the .proto file being compiled.\
    • 💡 Note: Note: If you are importing a file from the vendor directory, ensure that you have the correct version by running go mod vendor.
  • If there is more than one proto file in the directory, replace *.proto with the file’s name.
  • If the .proto file does not use gRPC, then the --go-grpc_out and --go-grpc_opt can be excluded.

Installing Protocol Buffer Compiler

This guide describes how to install the required dependencies to compile .proto files to Go.

Before following the instructions below, be sure to remove all old versions of protoc. If your previous protoc-gen-go file is not installed in your Go bin directory, it will also need to be removed.

If you have followed this guide previously when installing protoc and need to update, you can simply follow the instructions below. No uninstallation or removal is necessary.

To compile a protocol buffer, you need the protocol buffer compiler protoc along with two plugins protoc-gen-go and protoc-gen-go-grpc. Make sure you use the correct versions as listed below.

Version Download Documentation
protoc 3.21.9
protoc-gen-go 1.28.1[email protected]/cmd/protoc-gen-go
protoc-gen-go-grpc 1.2.0
  1. Download the correct release of protoc from the release page or use the link from the table above to get the download for your OS.

  2. Extract the files to a folder, such as $HOME/.local.

    unzip -d $HOME/.local
  3. Add the selected directory to your environment’s PATH variable, make sure to include it in your .profile or .bashrc file. Also, include your go bin directory ($GOPATH/bin or $GOBIN) if it is not already included.

    export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/.local/bin:$GOPATH/bin"

    💡 Note: Make sure you update your configuration file once done with source .profile.

  4. Now check that protoc is installed with the correct version by running the following command.

    protoc --version

    Which prints the current version

    libprotoc 3.21.9
  5. Next, download protoc-gen-go and protoc-gen-go-grpc using the version found in the table above.

    go install[email protected]
    go install[email protected]
  6. Check that protoc-gen-go is installed with the correct version.

    protoc-gen-go --version
    protoc-gen-go v1.28.1
  7. Check that protoc-gen-go-grpc is installed with the correct version.

    protoc-gen-go-grpc --version
    protoc-gen-go-grpc 1.2.0