Strike plugin punishing users who reach too many strikes
- Kicks players reaching a set amount of strikes
- Bans players reaching a set amount of strikes
- Ability to clear strikes
- Ability to view your strikes
- Ability to issue strikes
- Clears strikes after reaching a set amount of them
- Announces strikes globally (customizable)
- Announces only bans and kicks globally (customizable)
- /clearstrikes
- /strikes
- /strike
- strikesplugin.clearstrikes - Permission to clear users strikes
- strikesplugin.strike - Permission to strike a user
- strikesplugin.strikes - Permission to view users strikes
- Plugin must be added to the server
- According to ones preference all fields can be changed
- Done
If you wish to wipe all strikes, navigate to /StrikesPlugin/Databases/Warnings
and delete Warnings.xml
. This plugin uses a dependancy System.Xml.Linq, make sure to install it, it can be found under releases. Feel free to download this plugin and edit it as you please.