Current functionality includes only two features: creating blocks and getting blocks.
pip install pywolai
development version
pip install git+
Create an API and initialize token:
from pywolai import WolaiApi
appId="APP's ID"
appSecret="APP's secret key"
api = WolaiApi()
api.set_token(appId, appSecret)
Get a block:
Get all child blocks of a block:
Create a child block:
from pywolai.block import TextBlock
text = TextBlock("Hello")
text2= TextBlock("World")
parent_id = "The ID of the block where the new block is to be created"
# Create a single block
api.create_block(parent_id , text)
# Create multiple blocks
api.create_blocks(parent_id , [text, text2])
The API can only get block information; images need to be downloaded separately:
api.download_media(media_id="ID of the media")
By default, it is downloaded in the current directory with the media ID as the filename.