Existing efficient algorithms for action tubelet detection focus solely on central regions of action instance and then predict the action locations. However, center keypoint maybe far from the boundary of action instance so they may fail to estimate accurate boundary on some cases.
We propose a fast and accurate action tubelet detector, named SaccadeAction, which effectively attends to informative instance center and corner keypoints, and predicts action tubelets from coarse to fine.
Create a new conda environment and activate the environment.
conda create --name SaccadeAction python=3.8 conda activate SaccadeAction
Install pytorch1.7.0.
conda install pytorch=1.7.0 torchvision -c pytorch
Disable cudnn batch normalization(follow CenterNet). You can manually open
and find the line withtorch.batch_norm
and replace thetorch.backends.cudnn.enabled
. -
Install the requirements.
pip install -r pip-list.txt
Compile deformable convolutional in DLA backbone follow CenterNet.
cd ${SaccadeAction_ROOT}/src/network/DCNv2 bash make.sh
For short, run this script in ${SaccadeAction_ROOT}/src/vis
python vis_det.py --vname v_SalsaSpin_g03_c06.mp4
You should modify these args in tiny_opt.py
# important args:
# --DATA_ROOT path to test videos, by default is ${SaccadeAction_ROOT}/data/test_videos
# --inference_dir path to generate result video, by default is ${SaccadeAction_ROOT}/src/vis/result_video
# --rgb_model path to rgb model, by default is ${SaccadeAction_ROOT}/experiment/result_model/hmdb_s1_dla34_K9_rgb_coco.pth
# --flow_model path to flow model, by default is ${SaccadeAction_ROOT}/experiment/result_model/hmdb_s1_dla34_K9_flow_coco.pth
You can modify these two thresholds to control visualization performance:
# visualization threshold:
# --tube_vis_th the lowest score for retaining a tubelet, by default is 0.12 (tubelet score)
# --frame_vis_th the lowest score for retaining a individual frame in the tubelet, by default is 0.015 (frame score)
Do not set a ver large --tube_vis_th
due to the property of the focal loss, otherwise it will eliminate most of detection tubelets.
will eliminate the lower score detection frames from a tubelet.
You can download the rgb frames , optical flow and ground truth annotations from our Google drive.
Please make the data folder like this:
|-- data
`-- |-- JHMDB
`-- |-- Frames
`-- |-- FlowBrox04
`-- |-- JHMDB-GT.pkl
Model | Backbone | [email protected] | [email protected] | @0.5 | @0.75 | @0.5:0.95 | FPS |
ACT | VGG | 65.7 | 74.2 | 73.7 | 52.1 | 44.8 | 25 |
TacNet | VGG | 65.5 | 74.1 | 73.4 | 52.5 | 44.8 | - |
2in1 | VGG | - | - | 74.7 | 53.3 | 45.0 | 25 |
MOC | DLA34 | 70.8 | 77.3 | 77.2 | 71.7 | 59.1 | 25 |
SAMOC | DLA34 | 73.1 | 79.2 | 78.3 | 70.5 | 58.7 | 16 |
SaccadeAction(Ours) | DLA34 | 72.6 | 80.2 | 80.2 | 72.9 | 59.6 | 20 |
Firstly, download coco pretrained DLA-34 model from this.
Please move pretrained models to ${SaccadeAction_ROOT}/experiment/modelzoo
Train RGB K=7 on JHMDB. Run:
python train.py --K 7 --exp_id Train_K7_rgb_coco_jhmdb_s1 --rgb_model $PATH_TO_SAVE_MODEL --batch_size 63 --master_batch 7 --lr 5e-4 --gpus 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 --num_workers 16 --num_epochs 20 --lr_step 6,8 --dataset hmdb --split 1
# additional scripts for jhmdb
# --dataset hmdb
# --split 1 there are 3 splits
Train FLOW K=7 on JHMDB. Run:
python train.py --K 7 --exp_id Train_K7_flow_coco_jhmdb_s1 --flow_model $PATH_TO_SAVE_MODEL --batch_size 62 --master_batch 6 --lr 5e-4 --gpus 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 --num_workers 16 --num_epochs 20 --lr_step 9,12 --ninput 5 --dataset hmdb --split 1
Firstly, we will get detection results using previous models. Please run:
python det.py --task normal --K 7 --gpus 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 --batch_size 94 --master_batch 10 --num_workers 8 --rgb_model ../experiment/result_model/$PATH_TO_RGB_MODEL --flow_model ../experiment/result_model/$PATH_TO_FLOW_MODEL --inference_dir $INFERENCE_DIR --flip_test --ninput 5
# ==============Args==============
# --task during inference, there are three optional method: "normal", "stream", "speed", use "normal" by default
# --K input tubelet length, 7 by default
# --gpus gpu list, in our experiments, we use 8 NVIDIA TITAN XP
# --batch_size total batch size
# --master_batch batch size in the first gpu
# --num_workers total workers
# --rgb_model path to rgb model
# --flow_model path to flow model
# --inference_dir path to save inference results, will be used in mAP step
# --flip_test flip test during inference, will slightly improve performance but slow down the inference speed
# --ninput 5 stack frames, 1 for rgb, 5 for optical flow
# additional scripts for jhmdb
# --dataset hmdb
# --split 1 there are 3 splits
# --hm_fusion_rgb 0.4 for jhmdb, 0.5 for ucf, 0.5 by default
After inference, you will get detection results in $INFERENCE_DIR
We use the evaluation code from ACT.
For frame mAP, please run:
python ACT.py --task frameAP --K 7 --th 0.5 --inference_dir $INFERENCE_DIR
For video mAP, please build tubes first:
python ACT.py --task BuildTubes --K 7 --inference_dir $INFERENCE_DIR
Then, compute video mAP:
# change --th python3 ACT.py --task videoAP --K 7 --th 0.2 --inference_dir $INFERENCE_DIR # 0.5:0.95 python3 ACT.py --task videoAP_all --K 7 --inference_dir $INFERENCE_DIR