Author: Xuning Yang [email protected]
A set of C++ utility functions that I have written for research and development purposes.
Given input vectors with type T
Linspace: generates N
linearly spaced values between lower bound (lb) and upper bound (ub), inclusive. If lb==ub
and N=1
, it returns a vector with 1 element (of that value).
std::vector<float> linearly_spaced_vector = Linspace(lb, ub, N);
std::vector<float> vector_of_one_element = Linspace(0.5, 0.5, 1);
Prints a bunch of things: any standard sequential container (std::vector
, std::deque
, etc.), Eigen matrices wrt a specific layout.
std::vector<float> vec{10, 11, 12};
print(vec) // Output: (3): 10 11 12
print(vec, "name of vector") // Output: name of vector (3): 10 11 12
Eigen::MatrixXd m;
m << 1, 2, 3,
4, 5, 6,
7, 8, 9;
print(m, "matrix") // Output: matrix (3x3): [1, 2, 3;
// 4, 5, 6;
// 7, 8, 9]
RangeSample: draws k
samples of T
uniformly from the range [lb, ub), and returns a vector. T
is one of { int, float, double }
Eigen::VectorXd vec = RangeSample(lb, ub, k);
std::vector<float> vec = RangeSample(lb, ub, k);
DataSample: draws k
samples sampled uniformly at random from Container
, with replacement, and returns the sampled values in the same type
std::deque<double> sampled_vec = DataSample(data, k);
UniformDiscreteSample: draws k
samples sampled from a discrete range from 0
to N, without replacement, and returns a std::vector<int>
std::vector<int> sampled_numbers = UniformDiscreteSample(N, k);
DiscreteSample: k
samples sampled at random according to distribution
with replacement, where prob
is a probability array whose elements
sum to 1. T is one of { float, double }.
std::vector<int> sampled_numbers = UniformDiscreteSample(prob, k);
GaussianPdf: computes the probability density for a sample x
, according to
mean mean
and covariance sigma
size_t M = 10;
Eigen::VectorXd mean(M);
Eigen::VectorXd x(M);
Eigen::MatrixXd Sigma(M,M);
float prob = GaussianPdf(x, mean, sigma);
Covariance: computes the sample covariance for an Eigen Matrix samples
size MxN, and outputs an Eigen matrix of size MxM.
contains N samples of size M.
// computes covariance
Eigen::MatrixXd samples(M, N);
Eigen::MatrixXd sigma = Covariance(samples);
// computes covariance about a given mean
Eigen::VectorXd mean(M);
Eigen::MatrixXd sigma = Covariance(samples, mean)
// computes weighted covariance about a given mean
Eigen::VectorXd weights(M);
Eigen::MatrixXd sigma = Covariance(samples, mean, weights)
Given input vectors with type T
std::vector<T> vec;
std::deque<T> deq;
std::vector<T> vec_sorted; // sorted vector will be stored here
std::vector<T> idx_sorted; // index of the sorted vector will be stored here
Sort(vec, &vec_sorted, &idx_sorted)
& vec_sorted
must be of the same container type; idx_sorted
can be of any container type
T elem;
size_t index_of_found_element;
bool element_found = Find(vec, elem);
bool element_found = Find(vec, elem, &index_of_found_element);
size_t index_of_max_element;
T max = Max(vec);
T max = Max(vec, &index_of_max_element);
size_t index_of_min_element;
T min = Min(vec);
T min = Min(vec, &index_of_min_element);
Invert: vec
and inverted_vec
can be of different container types
std::deque<T> inverted_vec;
Invert(vec, &inverted_vec);
Normalize: vec
and normalized_vec
can be of different container types
std::deque<T> normalized_vec;
Normalize(vec, &normalized_vec);