Use Socks5 proxy to ddos(Http-Flood) attack.
(It supports socks4 too.)
And now it is upgraded to python3 version.
pip3 install pysocks
git clone
cd CC-attack
____ ____ _ _ _ _
/ ___/ ___| / \ | |_| |_ __ _ ___| | __
| | | | _____ / _ \| __| __/ _` |/ __| |/ /
| |__| |__|_____/ ___ \ |_| || (_| | (__| <
\____\____| /_/ \_\__|\__\__,_|\___|_|\_\
Python3 version 1.1
Cobed by Leeon123
If you want to stop
this script, pls just
close the window.
> Host/Ip:
> Page you want to attack:
> Port:
> Threads:
> Proxy file path(proxy.txt):
> Number Of Proxies:
> Input the Magnification: