StockEd is a group project created for UCLA's CS35L spring 2021 course. It is a fun, interactive web app that helps users of all ages develop financial literacy by mimicking the fluctuations of the stock market and allowing users to simulate realistic experiences in the stock market without having to suffer the potential financial consequences.
To run StockEd on your local computer, here are the steps you should take.
First clone the repo to your local drive with Github Desktop or navigate to the directory you wish to download the repository to. Then, type this into your terminal or command line:
git clone
Navigate into the directory witht the following command:
cd stock-ed
Now enter the following command to install all the required node dependencies (Make sure you have both Node and npm installed!):
npm install
Before running the app, you must first create a file named
in the project with the Firebase config object. For more on setting up a Firebase project refer to here. The instructions on getting the Firebase config object can be found here. -
After getting the Firebase config, the
file should be formated like this: (the provided values from your Firebase config can be placed between the double quotes for each field):REACT_APP_DB_API_KEY="" REACT_APP_DB_AUTH_DOMAIN="" REACT_APP_DB_DATABASE_URL="" REACT_APP_DB_PROJECT_ID="" REACT_APP_DB_STORAGE_BUCKET="" REACT_APP_DB_MESSAGING_SENDER_ID="" REACT_APP_DB_APP_ID="" REACT_APP_DB_MEASUREMENT_ID=""
Then, Email/Password should be enabled as a sign-in provider in the Firebase console (under the Auth section, on the Sign in method tab)
Navigate to the Firestore Database section and create a new collection called Users.
Now use the following command:
npm run dev
This will run both the front-end React app on port 3000 and back-end Express.js server on port 3001.
Now, your website should be visible at http://localhost:3000. Check out the about page, create an account and log in to see more of the features! Congrats on taking your first step to greater financial literacy.
Thank you to the following for creating this project:
Jason Tay
Kevin Wang
Arpit Jalan
James Guo
Annie Wang
Jerry Xu