Lab deploying various infrastructure to a kind cluster
# create cluster
# with kind
kind create cluster --config labs/00-kind/kind.yml
# setup monitoring
helm repo add grafana
helm repo add prometheus-community
helm repo update
# ns
kubectl apply -f labs/01-monitoring/prep/ns.yaml
# rbac
kubectl -n monitoring apply -f labs/01-monitoring/rbac
# promtail
helm upgrade -i promtail grafana/promtail \
--version 6.15.3 \
--namespace monitoring \
--create-namespace \
-f labs/01-monitoring/promtail.yml
# loki
helm upgrade -i loki grafana/loki \
--version 5.42.0 \
--namespace monitoring \
--create-namespace \
-f labs/01-monitoring/loki.yml
# prom-stack
helm upgrade -i prometheus prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack \
--version 56.1.0 \
--namespace monitoring \
--create-namespace \
-f labs/01-monitoring/prometheus.yml
# setup tyk
helm repo add bitnami
helm repo add tyk-helm
helm repo update
# ns
kubectl apply -f labs/02-tyk/prep/ns.yaml
# rbac
kubectl -n tyk apply -f labs/02-tyk/rbac
# redis
helm upgrade -i tyk-redis bitnami/redis \
--version 18.9.1 \
--namespace tyk \
-f labs/02-tyk/redis.yml
# either oss
helm upgrade -i tyk-oss tyk-helm/tyk-oss \
--version 1.2.0 \
--namespace tyk \
-f labs/02-tyk/tyk-oss.yml
# OR
# enterprise
# postgres
helm upgrade -i tyk-postgres bitnami/postgresql \
--version 13.4.3 \
--namespace tyk \
-f labs/02-tyk/tyk-postgres.yml \
# tyk stack
helm upgrade -i tyk-stack tyk-helm/tyk-stack \
--version 1.0.0 \
--namespace tyk \
-f labs/02-tyk/tyk-stack.yml
# nodeport svc
kubectl -n tyk apply -f labs/02-tyk/nodeport-svc
# info
echo "Access Grafana at http://localhost:30080 with user 'admin' and password 'prom-operator'"
echo "Access Tyk at http://localhost:30182 with user '[email protected]' and password '123456'"
# cleanup
kind delete cluster --name demo
# create cluster
# with kind
kind create cluster --config labs/00-kind/kind.yml
# helm repos
helm repo add bitnami
helm repo add tyk-helm
helm repo update
# ns
kubectl apply -f labs/03-helm/prep
# redis
helm upgrade -i tyk-redis bitnami/redis \
--version 18.9.1 \
--namespace tyk \
-f labs/02-tyk/redis.yml
# promtail
helm upgrade -i promtail charts/promtail \
--namespace monitoring \
-f labs/03-helm/promtail.yml
# loki
helm upgrade -i loki grafana/loki \
--version 5.42.0 \
--namespace monitoring \
-f labs/01-monitoring/loki.yml
# prom-stack
helm upgrade -i prometheus prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack \
--version 56.1.0 \
--namespace monitoring \
-f labs/01-monitoring/prometheus.yml
# tyk
helm upgrade -i tyk-oss tyk-helm/tyk-oss \
--version 1.2.0 \
--namespace tyk \
-f labs/02-tyk/tyk-oss.yml
# info
echo "Access Grafana at http://localhost:30080 with user 'admin' and password 'prom-operator'"
# cleanup
kind delete cluster --name demo
# create cluster
# with kind
kind create cluster --config labs/00-kind/kind.yml
# helm repos
helm repo add jfrog
helm repo update
# ns
kubectl apply -f labs/04-artifactory/prep
# master key
export MASTER_KEY=$(openssl rand -hex 32)
echo MasterKey: ${MASTER_KEY}
kubectl create secret generic masterkey \
-n artifactory \
# join key
export JOIN_KEY=$(openssl rand -hex 32)
echo JoinKey: ${JOIN_KEY}
kubectl create secret generic joinkey \
-n artifactory \
# artifactory
helm upgrade -i artifactory-oss jfrog/artifactory-oss \
--version 107.77.7 \
--namespace artifactory \
-f labs/04-artifactory/artifactory.yml
# info
echo "Access Artifactory at http://localhost:30280 with user 'admin' and password 'password'"
# cleanup
kind delete cluster --name demo