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A minimal implementation of service-service communication using gRPC in java

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gRPC Tutorial

My personal reference for learning the basics of service-to-service communications using gRPC.

The repo contains a distributed system that allows a user to request a movie recommendation. The repo has multiple standalone projects, one for each service.

Gradle is used to manage the multi-project build, and Docker-compose enables the full distributed system to built and run locally.

This repo expands on the following tutorial:


Using Docker

Pre-requisite of having docker installed locally. See also Docker Desktop.

Start the services:

docker compose up

Using a client like Postman, use server reflection on the following endpoint:


Make a call

# message
    "genre": "ACTION"
    "movie": {
        "title": "The Bourne Ultimatum",
        "rating": 8,
        "genre": "ACTION",
        "description": "Spy action-thriller"

Run projects & servers directly

Run servers (in different processes)

# movie-finder service needs to know where other services are running
PORT=50051 \
./gradlew movie-finder:run

PORT=50052 \
./gradlew movie-store:run

PORT=50053 \
./gradlew user-preferences:run

PORT=50054 \
./gradlew recommender:run


The gRPC dev cycle

  1. Change/add definitions in .proto files e.g. movie-store.proto
syntax = "proto3";
package moviestore;
import "common/common.proto";

option java_package = "com.proto.moviestore";
option java_multiple_files = true;

message MovieStoreRequest {
    common.Genre genre = 1;
message MovieStoreResponse {
    common.Movie movie = 1;

service MovieStoreService {
    rpc getMovies(MovieStoreRequest) returns (stream MovieStoreResponse) {};
  1. Clean and generate boilerplate classes out of the proto definitions
./gradlew clean
./gradlew generateProto
  1. To implement the logic for services, extend the generated Base class e.g. MovieStoreServiceImpl
import com.proto.moviestore.MovieStoreRequest;
import com.proto.moviestore.MovieStoreResponse;
import com.proto.moviestore.MovieStoreServiceGrpc;

public class OversimplifiedMovieStoreService extends MovieStoreServiceGrpc.MovieStoreServiceImplBase {
    public void getMovies(MovieStoreRequest request, StreamObserver<MovieStoreResponse> responseObserver) {
      // Implement the method
  1. Use the service in a server e.g. MovieStoreServer
import com.moviestore.OversimplifiedMovieStoreService;

public class OversimplifiedMovieStoreServer {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        Server server = ServerBuilder.forPort(50051)
                .addService(new OversimplifiedMovieStoreService())
  1. To implement logic that calls against a server use the generated client (called a "stub" in gRPC) e.g. implementation of MovieFinderServiceImpl.
import com.proto.moviestore.MovieStoreServiceGrpc;

// "blocking" means it waits for the response before moving onto the next line of code,
//with "non-blocking" the call happens in the background and you need to react to it async (e.g. with an observer)
MovieStoreServiceGrpc.MovieStoreServiceBlockingStub movieStoreClient = MovieStoreServiceGrpc.newBlockingStub(getChannel(movieStoreEndpoint));

  .forEachRemaining(response -> {
    response.getMovie(); // do something with the response
  1. Build the project
./gradlew build
  1. Run and call against the server (see Quickstart)

Subproject structure

Root project 'movie-grpc'
+--- Project ':movie-api'                 | common proto definitions used across the full system
+--- Project ':movie-finder'              | the main API for the project - demonstrates taking in a request and returning a response
+--- Project ':movie-store'               | the "data-layer" of the example (faked with inline data for now) - demonstrates taking in a request and returning a stream
+--- Project ':recommender'               | a server "in-the-middle" - demonstrates taking in a stream and returning a response
\--- Project ':user-preferences'          | another server "in-the-middle" -  demonstrates taking in AND returning a stream

Call sequence

The full order of operations is as follows (not super obvious; pay attention to when streams are opened and closed):

    some-client->>+movie-finder: getMovie({ genre })

    movie-finder->>+recommender: recommendMovie({ movies })
    note over recommender: open recommendMovie stream

    movie-finder->>+user-preferences: getShortListedMovies({ userId })
    note over user-preferences: open getShortListedMovies stream

    movie-finder->>+movie-store: getMovies({ genre })
    note over movie-store: open getMovies stream
    note over movie-store: get all movies that match the genre

    loop for each movie
      movie-store->>movie-finder: movie for genre
      movie-finder->>user-preferences: move that can be shortlisted
      note over user-preferences: determine if move makes the shortlist
      opt if shortlisted 
        user-preferences->>movie-finder: shortlisted movie
        movie-finder->>recommender: movie that can be recommended
        note over recommender: register movie
    movie-store->>-movie-finder: close getMovies stream

    user-preferences->>-movie-finder: close getShortlistedMovies stream
    note over recommender: determine recommended movie from registered movies
    recommender->>-movie-finder: close stream with recommended movie
    movie-finder->>-some-client: recommended Movie```


A minimal implementation of service-service communication using gRPC in java






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