Transparent persistence for Lua data! Seriously!
- Depends on luafilesystem
- Keys can only be strings valid as filenames
- Can store/retrieve tables (no loops!), strings, numbers and booleans.
- Contains a recursive directory purger, handle with care.
-- load library
local persistor = require 'persistor'
-- get a persistor table.
-- if the root folder exists, data will be read from there.
-- if the name is omitted "$PWD/tmp-persistor" will be used.
-- if there was data from previous executions, it will still be there.
-- data inside this folder is used at will, do not use it for anything else
local p ='path/to/root/folder')
-- also you can purge all stored data loading the persistor table as follows:
-- local p ='path/to/root/folder', true)
-- store something
p.pi = 3.14 = {center={x=0, y=0}, radius=0.5}
-- read something (possibly much later, in another run)
print (2 * p.pi *