Server for uploading and downloading charts.
Needs a PostgreSQL database although it could be used with any database if SQLAlchemy's configuration is changed accordingly.
Install dependency requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Install psycopg2
sudo apt-get install python-psycopg2
Install uvicorn:
sudo apt-get install uvicorn
Create and configure .env
# Database configuration
DB_USER=<db user>
DB_NAME=<db name>
# Store configuration
STORE_NAME="Your store name"
STORE_DESCRIPTION="Your store description"
# Security
SECRET_KEY = <you can generate your key with 'openssl rand -hex 32'>
ALGORITHM = <encoding algorithm for jwt, for example "HS256">
ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRE_MINUTES = <how long should any auth token be valid in minutes>
Finally, run:
uvicorn main:app --host <ip>