A module for accessing the Raspberry Pi GPIO connector from Xojo apps.
Requires the wiringPi library to be installed so that libwiringPi.so is available.
Copy the GPIO module from this project to your own project. For additional information and examples refer to the Xojo Dev Center:
- Corrected Xojo method signature for SPIDataRW to use CString to fix compile error.
- Corrected Declare method signature for SPIDataRW so that you can actually get the output.
- Setup, SetupPhys and SetupSys now also initialize PinDict.
- Commented out WiringPiISR method as it makes its callback in a pre-emptive thread making it unsafe to use with Xojo.
- Added WiringPiISR implementation and related constants (thanks to Bjorn@Einhugur).
- Added GPIO.Cleanup method
- Added GPIO.SoftPwmCreate method
- Added GPIO.SoftPwmWrite method
- Added GPIO.RGBLED class
- Added GPIO.Servo class
- Added GPIO.SoftToneCreate method
- Added GPIO.SoftToneWrite method
- Added GPIO.Version property
- Added GPIO.LCD class