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Security: xima-media/xima-deployer-tools



Security check

The security tasks list and notify about security issues in the installed composer packages and npm modules.


The security check task is checking for vulnerabilities in the installed composer packages and npm modules.

The default settings can be found within the set.php file.

$ dep security:check [host]

Composer dependencies

Checking the composer dependencies with composer audit (or symfony security:check).

$ dep security:check:composer [host]

Npm dependencies

Checking the npm dependencies with npm audit.

$ dep security:check:npm [host]


Use the --notify option to notify about the security issues via MS Teams.

To avoid multiple notifications for the same issue, the notification is only sent if the issue is not already cached (when the issue notification was sent before). You can turn off the caching with setting the security_use_cache configuration to false.

There aren’t any published security advisories