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Xavier Gouchet edited this page Sep 3, 2020 · 5 revisions

@Target([AnnotationTarget.VALUE_PARAMETER, AnnotationTarget.FIELD, AnnotationTarget.PROPERTY]) annotation class StringForgery

Mark a field, property or method parameter as a String forgery.


type - the StringForgeryType of String to forge (StringForgeryType.ALPHABETICAL by default)

case - the case to use (Case.ANY by default, doesn't apply to regex). This will only be used for the following types : StringForgeryType.ALPHABETICAL, StringForgeryType.ALPHA_NUMERICAL, StringForgeryType.NUMERICAL, StringForgeryType.HEXADECIMAL

size - the size of the String, or -1 for a random size (doesn't apply to regex).

regex - the regex pattern to match (leave empty to use the type, case and size instead).



StringForgery(type: StringForgeryType= StringForgeryType.ALPHABETICAL, case:Case= Case.ANY, size:Int= -1, regex:String = "")

Mark a field, property or method parameter as a String forgery.


type - the StringForgeryType of String to forge (StringForgeryType.ALPHABETICAL by default)

case - the case to use (Case.ANY by default, doesn't apply to regex). This will only be used for the following types : StringForgeryType.ALPHABETICAL, StringForgeryType.ALPHA_NUMERICAL, StringForgeryType.NUMERICAL, StringForgeryType.HEXADECIMAL

size - the size of the String, or -1 for a random size (doesn't apply to regex).

regex - the regex pattern to match (leave empty to use the type, case and size instead).



val case: Case

the case to use (Case.ANY by default, doesn't apply to regex). This will only be used for the following types : StringForgeryType.ALPHABETICAL, StringForgeryType.ALPHA_NUMERICAL, StringForgeryType.NUMERICAL, StringForgeryType.HEXADECIMAL


val regex: String

the regex pattern to match (leave empty to use the type, case and size instead).


val size: Int

the size of the String, or -1 for a random size (doesn't apply to regex).


val type: StringForgeryType

the StringForgeryType of String to forge (StringForgeryType.ALPHABETICAL by default)